Rebellious waves: danger at sea

It was the Ancient Mariners who first told stories of sea monsters engulfing entire ships, monster waves, or other fascinating descriptions of disasters at sea. Until recently, there was no solid evidence for any of these descriptions. But like most tales of gigantic sea monsters and other visions of impending doom, they have practically dissipated. But other inexplicable mishaps still […]

5 types of programmers: which one are you?

There are many different types of programmers who develop software. Or is it computer programming? Or is it encoding? These are all labels or boxes that we use to classify people and their abilities. Just like we distinguish between testers, coders, managers, architects, designers, CLO, etc., only these are much more obvious. So what exactly makes an encoder an encoder […]

California to New York Restaurant Reviews

You don’t have to search far in California or New York to locate one of several fine dining restaurants. For anyone who is seriously interested in finding a fantastic dinner, be it with close friends, family, or maybe that special someone for you personally. Sometimes it can be as challenging as looking for a needle in a haystack. There may […]

Diana Krall

On November 16, 1964 in Nanaimo, Canada, a girl was born who had no idea how lucky she was. In fact, jazz artist Diana Krall was fortunate to have been born into a perfect family to nurture her musical talents. Diana started playing the piano at the age of four. Diana’s father had a passion for collecting records; He was […]

Approach your dog

You have the opportunity to take a vacation for two weeks, but unfortunately there is no one available to take care of your pet. Boarding can be a good experience for your pet if you have made the necessary preparations. Step number one is to check the shipping facility and make sure it is clean and does not smell. Make […]