The 10 best pencil and paper role-playing games

Here’s a list of the top ten best pencil and paper RPGs of all time. Although there is no scientific way to prove the ‘best role-playing games‘Always, this list takes into account the general popularity of pen-and-paper RPGs since the industry was created. 10 – Gamma World – It’s a post-apocalyptic game, but not in the style of Mad Max. […]

The five best PS3 games for pure fun

GTA IV GTA, while having an impressive story at times, is at its finest when you allow it to be taken for what it is. I spent countless afternoons after a difficult day playing this with my brother to see who could get the most stars without using cheats before the authorities stopped him. Nonsense violence yes, but also tremendously […]

Modern Warfare 2 – New Community Manager Details!

Robert Bowling, the community manager for Modern Warfare 2, recently gave an interview where he shared some details about the upcoming Activision title. The new game will continue the story of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and players will continue the action after killing Zakyhev in one of the last missions of Call of Duty 4. Ultra-Nationalists are your […]

Types of ghosts: footprints, residual appearances

This article will provide more detailed information on the type of ghosts known as “Impressions”, also known as “residual ghosts.” These are the type of ghosts that seem to act as if they are living through the same set of past events over and over again. The ‘footprints’ are totally alien to your environment and anyone present, any attempt to […]

How to kiss a girl and drive her crazy!

Have you ever kissed a girl and found it completely uncomfortable? You put your lips in one place and she puts her lips in another and before you know it your teeth collide with each other, and then you try a little action with your tongue just to strangle her to death, and suddenly you make this strong and disgusting. […]

Level up with an alliance leveling guide

World of Warcraft has become an online role-playing game that many people around the world play. The game is so complex and advanced that it simply draws players in and allows them to complete missions, make friends, and level up their character. There are two main groups of characters in World of Warcraft and they include the Alliance and the […]

Top 7 wet and wild water sports in Sri Lanka

If you are looking for an exciting vacation in Sri Lanka, you must try water sports in Sri Lanka. From the surfing paradise of Arugam Bay to diving around the reefs off the coast of Hikkaduwa, you can rediscover the fun and excitement that you will cherish forever. Sri Lanka is an ideal destination for water sports with its stunning […]

Fix Mss32 Dll in GTA Vice City

Many GTA Vice City users have reported on various internet forums that they have encountered errors related to MS32.dll Vice City when trying to run the game. A poorly optimized system with fragmented Windows registry data and errors in the Windows registry is more likely to face such errors. There are some tips to fix this problem. Here are the […]

Pre-order culture and downloadable content – solved!

One of the biggest problems in games is the culture that has developed around downloadable content and pre-order video games. It has completely gotten out of control. These issues are actually two completely separate issues, which have significant overlap. The reason I am linking them is because they both have the same solution, which I will refer to later. Let’s […]