Fractional Owned Ranches

Fractional ownership, also known as tenant in common (TIC), is a form of possession of real property title. Under this co-ownership structure, individuals will own an undivided fractional interest in an entire property and will share their share of the net income, tax benefits, and appreciation. Additionally, they will receive a separate deed and title insurance for their percentage of […]

Do you suffer from anemic profitosis?

Does your investment income look a bit pale and fatigued? Nauseous at the site of your profit and loss statement? Do you “feel like” selling properties that are losing money? You are most likely suffering from a persistent case of anemic profitosis. Sooner or later many real estate investors begin to show symptoms of this affliction. The appearances of this […]

Investing in Apartment Buildings: Find Motivated Sellers

As the creator of the “Buy Your First Apartment Building Online Course”, I have many potential students and beginning investors ask me: “How do I find motivated apartment building sellers?” There are many ways investors use to find motivated sellers, however what I see happening a lot with beginners is that They start looking for properties to buy before they […]