How Does a 25mg Fentanyl Pill Could Kill?

25mg Fentanyl Pill

Can you imagine the scene inside the New York City jail, where heroin addicts, crack addicts and even opioids themselves are being treated with a new drug called 25mg Fentanyl? The synthetic narcotic, which is a derivative of the illegal chemical known as Fentanyl, is a highly powerful painkiller. When injected, it causes the same effect as heroin – instant and intense pain. However, this drug is much more toxic than heroin, and those who abuse it can suffer fatal side effects.

For many years, prescription medication like OxyContin was the favored treatment for heroin addicts, but doctors have begun to recognize that it isn’t effective for long-term use. In fact, for most users, it is only effective as a short-term fix. Those addicted to heroin realize that they need a longer-term solution to their problem – one that will permanently eliminate their need for the drug. And when you take into consideration the extremely serious health consequences associated with long-term use of heroin, the idea that people will continue to use the drug even when they are on medication to do so is frightening.

This is where 25mg Fentanyl Pill comes in. This very powerful opioid looks, acts and feels just like a morphine pill. However, unlike morphine, the synthetic drug has no real side effects. Users will experience no sweating, no respiratory complications, and very little pain. The high also doesn’t wear off over time – users will be in the peak of euphoria for up to six hours. Addicts will find themselves at a loss as to how to stop, but they’ll never be without their Fentanyl…or lack of.

How Does a 25mg Fentanyl Pill Could Kill?

Because this highly addictive agent also destroys physical areas of the brain that control breathing, it can also cause fatal levels of heroin overdose. Just like any other narcotic, the brain’s receptors become sensitive to the presence of this chemical. When there is too much of it ingested or there is too much left in the system, the receptors will get “overloaded” and won’t work properly. This causes the person who was taking the drug to experience the same intense feelings as a chronic user of heroin. It also means that unless the user is monitored closely, they could die from an overdose of 25mg Fentanyl or some other street drug.

This type of overdose can happen without warning. Some users will take a few small tablets, pop a few more into their body, and then feel nothing. Other people will take several tablets or ingest large amounts of the drug over an extended period of time. Either way, chances are high that an addict will suffer a fatal overdose.

If you have an addict on drugs, you must act quickly. This deadly combination can only be reversed through professional intervention. If your addict is using heroin, the best thing you can do is provide them with the treatment they need – the addiction treatment they need – which includes a rehab program with experienced and educated staff including professionals who have detoxed from heroin. Only by rehabbing from this highly addictive drug, can you hope to permanently break their habit, and prevent the death and overdose of others.

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