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How to feel good – Feel good inside and out

Feeling good implies happiness, joy, peace and love, which is the desire that we spend our lives trying to find or achieve. In the pursuit of happiness, there is the mistaken perception that happiness arises from external things like money, sex, career, appearance, popularity, and relationships. Actually, the external things that make a person feel good come from the events that are happening that cause temporary happiness; in the absence of these events, happiness disappears. To feel good one must grasp the concept that feeling good is a state of mind.

Feeling good is a sensation that has led to many dead ends and detours in many lifetimes as a result of seeking temporary happiness. Because we are our own biggest critics, there are things we don’t like about ourselves that someone else wishes they had. Many people spend their lives wishing they were someone else instead of discovering who they really are. Not knowing yourself or who you really are causes a person to miss out on positive feelings of gratitude, self-love, and love for others; instead, he or she seeks external temporary happiness. It is important to seek inner happiness that will spread outwards.

A positive state of mind is crucial to feeling good about yourself and others; helps to understand that we are more than what the eyes can see. Discovering the part of you that is more than meets the eye requires accessing the mind or monitoring your thoughts. This requires discipline because of the tendency to run away from the negative realities of life. The fact is that we are not perfect because we are all a work in progress. In turn, it’s important to face both good and bad self-images, and fully accept yourself despite existing flaws. It is also important to work to change bad self-images or self-destructive thoughts that rob a person of happiness.

The goal is to protect your state of mind, not to let external situations and circumstances dictate how good you feel. Life may not always go as planned, so there will always be something unexpected that seems to throw our lives out of control. However, with a strong positive state of mind, a person can feel good despite life’s obstacles. Seeking happiness internally is rewarding and long lasting, after all, every thought and feeling we have comes from the interactions of the mind.

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