Arts Entertainments

How to tell a joke to your grumpiest friend

Have you ever tried to tell a joke to a grumpy friend? How did he react? In this article, I demonstrate how you can make even melancholy friends laugh.

Investigate your friend’s background? Is he married, single or divorced? How many children does he have, if he has any? How many workplaces have you changed? Are you happy with the salary in the current workplace? What do you still aspire to? What are some of your hobbies? Do they cheer you up? What makes you feel good about yourself? Do you like to have pets? When was a recent time that he lost his temper and got into a bad mood again?

Write a song or poem about your cranky friend, putting in all the details of their life that you have researched and discovered. Make it flow naturally with a perfect rhyme.

If you can’t write it yourself, ask someone who can, and give them all the details about your grumpy friend.

Prepare the poem or song; it better be a song with good lyrics, rhyming words, and melodious music. She goes to the piano and starts to play and sing the song with enthusiasm and naturalness. Keep the music notes in front of you in case you forget something somewhere. Have your grumpy friend’s full attention. Come to a natural, gradual halt.

Look at your friend and watch him closely. He is trying to take it all. Say nothing. Let him reflect on the song he just heard from you. Let it sink in. Give it time.

Then the magic happens, the real magic. She laughs. You’ve never seen him laugh like that. So be quick to take a snapshot with your smartphone. Encourage him to laugh as long as he wants. Laugh along with him.

After this magical cure, he will realize his flaws and start to be less grumpy and start to socialize with people a bit. Appreciate it all the way. He will start smiling at everyone around him, his family, friends and colleagues.

In fact, you will be more humane and a much happier person. Give yourself all the credit and be happy that you were able to bring about a change in your grave partner.

Take him on long trips and share clean jokes with him on a regular basis. She will now laugh easily. Everyone around you will like it more. She will even care about having his company more than before.

You’ve done a great job changing your grumpy friend’s attitude and outlook on life. So you’ve been a friend to a friend in need. The universe will recognize your good deed and shower you with blessings. Both you and your friend will have a good bond from now on for all the moments together.

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