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Multiple Sclerosis Awareness

After a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis for you or a loved one, there can often be a feeling of being overwhelmed with information about the disease and you can be left feeling confused. The following is a brief description of the disease and some related information that may be helpful to the sufferer or to their family and friends. For more detailed information, contact your medical professional, doctor, counselor, or local support group.

What is multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis, commonly called MS, is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. The name multiple sclerosis refers to multiple areas of scarring (sclerosis) that the disease causes in the Central Nervous System when the body’s own immune system attacks and damages the nerves. The cause of MS is still unknown, but it usually affects people between the ages of 20 and 40 and is more common in women and people of European descent. In most cases, MS does not affect life expectancy, although unfortunately there is still no cure for this serious disease.

What happens to an MS patient?

In some cases, patients only experience mild symptoms, while others will have relapses that cause further damage to the nerve fibers in the body and worsen the disability. MS can cause;

Hypesthesia (changes in sensation)

muscular weakness

abnormal muscle spasms that cause difficulty with coordination, balance, and movement

dysarthria (speech problems)

dysphagia (trouble swallowing)

visual problems

ยท tired

acute or chronic pain syndromes

Bladder and bowel difficulties.

cognitive decline or depression.

What are the treatments available for MS sufferers?

There is currently no cure for MS, but there are many treatment options that can help slow the progression of the disease and control some symptoms, including muscle spasms, urinary problems, mood and behavior symptoms, and fatigue.

Approximately 25% of MS patients will require a wheelchair and have other mobility problems. The daily life of a person with multiple sclerosis can be made much easier by using bed risers, shower chairs, transfer systems, walkers, and wall bars. A well-planned exercise program started early in the course of the disorder, as well as a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, and plenty of rest and relaxation can greatly benefit patients. Avoiding fatigue, stress, extreme temperatures, and illness will also help.

Some people with MS will also benefit from therapy and from talking with other people with MS in the form of support groups or internet forums.

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