About the Atkins Diet and Great Atkins Recipes

The Atkins diet is broken down into 9 “rungs” of steps backwards to eating carbohydrates. Races are added one week at a time during the “Continuous Weight Loss” or “OWL” stage. This stage is designed to allow each person to find their critical level of carbohydrates to lose and teach the dieter to eat these foods within reason, manage their […]

Smart Tips for Successful Bank Owned Foreclosure Buying

Bank-owned foreclosures refer to those that have reverted to bank ownership after a public sale. These properties can range from single units to multi-family units, condominiums, apartments, townhouses, duplexes, and other types of structures. Once these properties become REO or bank owned, they will be listed as for sale, usually through listing providers or real estate brokers. Although you can […]

Review of the 10 best-selling UFO books

UFO Recoveries: The Recovery of Alien Spacecraft This is a collection of accounts and examinations of all the cases of alleged grounded or crashed alien craft and the secret action of the government to recover them and keep their remains and their occupants. the alien chronicles The Alien Chronicles takes us on a dizzying journey through the most obvious source […]