bodybuilding for seniors

One would rarely think that as you get older it is much more important to do some bodybuilding than when you are younger. Your balance, muscles, and even the pads under your feet can disintegrate and disappear if nothing is done to improve them. People often find this out the hard way, as few will discuss how to avoid the […]

Understanding protein and its importance

The word “Protein” comes from the Greek word “Protos” which means “Of first importance”. Protein is the main component of the human body, if you were to compare your body to a building, protein would be the raw material. Like fats and carbohydrates, proteins are made up of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. The real difference between protein and the other […]

How to lose back fat without pain or struggle

When you’re looking for information on how to lose back fat, three things come straight to mind. Eating healthy keeps fat out. Achieving a caloric deficit helps melt excess fat. And exercise keeps your back muscles strong and burns those love handles and bra bulges. But sometimes it’s easy to get rid of back fat without doing any of these […]

HIT training frequency

An often misunderstood ingredient in a bodybuilder’s training program is the correct dose of exercise needed for optimal muscle growth. In other words, the question of the number of sets and repetitions and how often to train. The temptation is to follow the belief that more is better… if “x” number of sets and reps are working, then more will […]

About the Atkins Diet and Great Atkins Recipes

The Atkins diet is broken down into 9 “rungs” of steps backwards to eating carbohydrates. Races are added one week at a time during the “Continuous Weight Loss” or “OWL” stage. This stage is designed to allow each person to find their critical level of carbohydrates to lose and teach the dieter to eat these foods within reason, manage their […]

Body shaping – How to build a nice butt

The late Vince Gironda, a legend in bodybuilding circles, had some eccentric opinions. It is said that his gym in Studio City, California did not have racks for free weight squats because he believed that squat exercises only created “turnip thighs” and a big butt. Well, what’s wrong with thighs that are big near the top (as long as it’s […]