Teens, jobs and school: the pros and cons

Most teens pick up on the old adage that “money equals power” at a relatively young age. Money equals designer clothes, a car and insurance, and in many cases, a certain amount of freedom. And to get money, many teens get part-time jobs. While the benefits and/or drawbacks of teens and part-time jobs have been researched, studied, and debated since […]

Arizona Foreclosure Law – What happens to my second mortgage when the first mortgage is foreclosed?

It’s no secret that thousands of people across the country and in Arizona are losing their homes to foreclosure. One of the biggest issues I deal with as an Arizona real estate attorney handling foreclosure cases is the question of what happens to a second mortgage or home equity line of credit after the first mortgage is foreclosed. Answering this […]

6 steps to take to lower electricity bills

Are you looking for ways to lower your electricity bills each month like so many are these days? If so, then there are some important steps that need to be taken that will help anyone achieve a lower bill each month without any hassle. Here are the most important steps to take that will help you save money each month […]

Construction Manager Job Description

Learning about the construction manager job description is critical if you plan to be successful in performing the duties and qualify for the job position. In this article, you will understand the necessary qualifications as well as the basic job titles of a construction manager in preparation for a job interview and tenure. This type of work requires ongoing experience […]

oh love

So, you buckled up and bought your girlfriend that engagement ring that she’s been pestering you with since your seventh date. Of course, back then, she was more subtle: so you see us being together and then you want to get married? Now, however, after six years of their relationship, she wasn’t all sweet and light about her long wait […]

Tips for paying off your student loans early

After graduation, many people make repaying their loans one of their top priorities. Unfortunately, what people find is that, as often happens, life will throw up obstacles like job loss, medical emergencies, and divorce, forcing them to change their priorities. In such cases, paying off college debt can often end up at the bottom of people’s to-do lists. However, when […]

How to Find a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Finding a workers’ compensation lawyer is a difficult task. Finding a qualified and experienced attorney is an even more difficult task. After sustaining a broken wrist on the job, I learned that workers’ compensation is a specialty and that I was embarking on a search for a specialist In his field. This realization wasn’t exactly momentous on my part, but […]