3 Helpful Tips to Control Your Scotsman’s Biting Habit

Dogs bite. Scottish terriers bite. It is without a doubt one of the worst behavior problems a dog can have. The stories that owners tell about Scottish terrier bites show so many different situations that an encyclopedia could easily be written about. There was this owner of a Scotsman whose shoes, hands and ankles were bitten every time he tried […]

How to Identify a Good Quality Yorkie Puppy

The Yorkshire terrier is a very popular dog and is in fact the second most popular dog in the US This means that it is very easy to find a good puppy or it is very easy to get a mixed breed dog without knowing the difference. Not all breeders are ethical and will say and do anything to sell […]

Rich Affiliate Reviews – What to Expect in WA

Today marks another day when Wealthy Affiliate is booming. Recently, the internet marketing community has seen several new products on the market. Do they work? How do you know what you get inside an e-book? So without further hesitation, I give you WA. To no surprise, Kyle & Carson have catapulted their online marketing college to the next level. It […]

Secrets for German Shepherd Dog Training

You are now the owner of a German Shepherd. This is one of the most beautiful and friendly dogs out there. It is very popular with many people and makes a good watchdog. Still, they are different from other dogs and need specific training for German Shepherd dogs to make them fit in well with your family. Big, strong and […]

Foster a rescue Pug

Pug Rescue Facilities are individuals or organizations that rescue Pugs from less ideal environments. The advantage that Pugs have when they end up in a Pug rescue facility, as opposed to a facility that rescues a variety of crossbred dogs, is that the people who run the facility are experienced in handling Pugs. They know all about the breed’s health […]

What are the 5 types of dog breeders?

Professional breeders of show dogs Professional show dog breeders take pride of place among the ranks of dog breeders. They breed dogs because they like what they do and take pride in keeping bloodlines, records, and caring for dogs. If you want a quality purebred dog whose lineage you would like to get to know, these are the guys to […]