Market a product at a reduced price (or almost!)

You’ve come up with a great idea, maybe you’ve discovered a gap in the market, or maybe you just want to improve an existing product. Now you need sales! Most small businesses have limited marketing resources. These are just a few of the ways to build your brand and gain awareness of your product. Word of mouth – This is […]

Experiences with a Tyvek Bivy

We thought Tyvek would be great for making our own bivouac bags. It seems like the ideal material: light, resistant, waterproof and breathable. So we decided to do a basic bivouac for the two of us. We use two sheets of Tyvek to make the equivalent of a top sheet and a bottom sheet. The second step was to place […]

Why use A Series LLC?

To diversify risk, someone with multiple rental properties or other investment properties will likely be advised to place each property in a separate entity. This was traditionally accomplished with the use of a corporation or limited partnership in years past. However, recently, the limited liability company has quickly become the entity of choice for real estate. Placing high-risk assets in […]

What does a man on an affair mean when he says he wants to take a break from all relationships?

Most of the time, the people I talk to are part of a married couple dealing with infidelity. However, every once in a while, someone who is actively having an affair (or trying to stop it from ending) will reach out because they need help figuring out someone’s motivations or thought process. For example, perhaps a husband is trying to […]

Professional style as a hobbyist

When I started boxing, I had a textbook on fan posture and style; hands up, left hand about six inches from chin, fairly upright stance, and active defense with a focus on “cover and counter” pace. It wasn’t long before my coach took me aside and told me this wasn’t going to work. It made me bring my hands to […]

How to set social media goals in 2020

Create the most effective social media marketing plan There is a vast sea of ​​information on social media. Experts are everywhere and there are many opinions on best practices and tactics. Not only that, but the platforms themselves are constantly changing, whether it’s adding new features, increasing character limits, or changing the rules. That is why I have created this […]