How our business could look bigger through SEO

Looking ‘bigger’ or, to put it better, more professional is one of the best ways to attract more influential customers, be it business-to-business or business-to-consumer. Here is a short list of ways to make your small SEO business look great: First of all, show the world that you exist! It must have a presence far beyond just having a website […]

Teaching to read: What are the different approaches?

What are the different approaches to reading? A reading approach is a way to begin teaching beginners to read. In recent years, teachers have used various approaches to teaching reading, writing, and spelling. There are several ways to start teaching reading. The analytical approach This approach begins with whole words, usually nouns that can be easily illustrated and have meaning […]

What makes a good gaming community?

And in that case, what makes a good game? In an effort to figure out what exactly draws people to a game, I’ve read a lot online about RPGs, MMOs, etc., to hopefully impact Ashianae’s journey in a positive way. There is an amazing article on called “Rethinking the MMO” that can be found here. The article is good […]

How Much Protein Do I Really Need?

If you don’t exercise regularly, the answer to how much protein you need is pretty simple: the government-recommended levels are more than adequate – around 0.3-0.4 grams per pound of body weight. However, if you’re lifting weights, running, cycling (or participating in any kind of physical activity, for that matter) you should probably increase your intake a bit. While you […]

DIY face masks feed your face

A great way to pamper yourself is to treat your face with ingredients that bring it back to life. Masks are a nice and quick way to achieve and maintain good skin. You can also make DIY masks at home with ingredients at home. They are cheaper, easier and simpler to make. Here are some homemade face masks that you […]

Johnny wheelbarrow

Nineteen-year-old John joined a wagon leaving South Bend, Indiana, and headed west for gold. However, instead of looking for gold, he ended up making wheelbarrows. When young John arrived at Old Dry Diggings (now Placerville), it was the last day of August 1853. Placerville, at the time, was one of the most important cities in California and aspired to be […]