Everything you need to know about the WhatsApp messaging app

Instant messaging, often abbreviated simply as “IM” or “IMing,” is the exchange of text messages through a software application in real time. Instant messaging differs from ordinary email in the immediacy of the exchange of messages and also makes a continuous exchange simpler than sending an email back and forth. Most of the exchanges are text-only, although popular services such […]

4 Christmas Marketing Ideas for Car Dealers

The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are very important to annual sales in many industries, including car sales. Potential customers are buying in greater numbers than the rest of the year, giving car dealers a broader audience to market to. The holiday shopping crowds are also in “shopping mode,” ready to buy items not just for friends and family, but […]

The last cowboy

Ka-ching. Ka-ching. Ka-ching. The spurs of cowboy boots: an unmistakable sound. An ancient sound, dating back to the Roman legions of Julius Caesar and beyond, evoking feelings of respect, awe and fear. The American cowboy. Long days, wagons, and toughness are words used to describe the life of a cowboy to schoolchildren when they visit pioneering museums on field trips. […]

6 phases of the perfect workout

Another day at the gym, another round of “crazy things people do when they exercise.” Did I ever tell you about the only time I saw a coach instruct his client to stand on a Bosu ball, wearing boxing gloves, and then do some kind of reverse punch / backhand slap while the coach was BEHIND? of him holding the […]

My father’s funeral in Arlington

After our limo passed through the Arlington Cemetery gates, I looked to the left and saw two parents visiting their son or daughter. They sat on lawn chairs in front of a grave. It wasn’t the formation of “lost man” planes that flew over my head that made me cry. It wasn’t the horse-drawn coffin that vanished against the silhouette […]

The 7 stages of itching

We generally think of being attractive like any other physical trait – you’re either hot or you’re not. But I like to approach attractiveness differently. I say that attractiveness can be learned, harnessed and used for anything you want. And learning to be attractive follows a specific “curriculum” of life lessons – a series of stages anyone can go through […]