Legal Law

5 things you need from your real estate attorney!

In my 15+ years as a licensed real estate seller in New York State, I have witnessed many real estate attorneys and how some harm the process/business (interfere), while others are extremely valuable to the process success. I always suggest that you choose an attorney who specializes in real estate law so that you are familiar with as many nuances as possible in this transaction period. Ideally, the individual you select will protect your interests, but will be part of the solution, rather than stand in the way of the deal, refusing to consider options and alternatives to achieve the goal. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 things you should require of the person you hire to represent your interests (whether buying or selling), because, for most of us, , the value of your home represents your single largest financial asset.

1. Effective listening: If you are looking for the right person, it makes sense to ask for some recommendations from people who have been satisfied with yours. Briefly, interview some attorneys and see if the person is willing to listen to you effectively, to better understand her true personal needs, etc.

two. Holding hands: There are often various stresses and challenges during the course of the transaction period! Look for a lawyer, who is not only technically savvy, but will hold your hand throughout the entire transaction process. Wouldn’t you prefer to make this period as stress-free as possible?

3. Protect you, but not hinder you: While it is the duty and responsibility of an attorney to protect you and your interests in an ethical and honest manner, the person you choose should not create challenges that are not helpful and/or necessary. Discuss, thoroughly, what you seek and want, how much flexibility you’re willing to take and, look, to achieve these things, without, tease hera deal, you want, to take!

Four. Full explanation: There should be no question and/or concern you have that your attorney does not try to answer, answer and explain thoroughly, to your satisfaction (not just yours)! It should be your duty to ensure that this process goes as smoothly as possible!

5. Professionalism/ Excellence: Don’t accept good enough! Demand (because you deserve it and need it) the highest degree of quality, professionalism and true excellence!

Carefully choose the person who best suits your interests when selecting a real estate attorney! Doing it often will save you time, effort, and unnecessary challenges.

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