The problems when families fight over inheritances

Blood is thicker than water, they say. However, when family members fight over an inheritance, these can often be the most acrimonious disputes. This was the situation between the brothers Philip and Geoffrey Randall. In all, the brothers started three different legal proceedings and more were threatened. The last of the three statements concerned his late aunt, Madeleine Taylor. Geoffrey […]

Jekyll in person, Social Media Hyde

Ahh, social media. Where from the comfort of your living room you can make your point of view known to millions of people. People and businesses have gone from virtually unknown to global phenomena (think “Gangnam way”) thanks to social media. Then there are those who fell from grace like a lead balloon (think Roseanne Barr, Anthony Weiner, or Paula […]

Best Engineering Universities in India 2017

Engineering is one of the most comprehensive and popular university courses in India that students enroll after graduating from high school. In fact, in 2016 there were more than 2.2 million engineering positions that are being sanctioned because the country is known to produce the largest technical workforce in the world. Knowing which university to enroll in is not so […]

LSAT – 5 Big Tips for LSAT Success

1. Everything is in time As you flip through a practice LSAT test book, you read the questions and think, “Yes, I could answer that question.” But can you answer more than 20 of them in 20 minutes? And you can count on yourself not to panic when you hear the supervisor yell, “5 minutes left!” It certainly helps to […]

How to design a restaurant menu

Restaurant marketing has two important components. First, you have to get diners into your restaurant, and second, you have to sell them once they are inside and seated. It is important that your menu is designed to sell customers their dishes, as well as to order a decent volume. A menu can also help you build your brand image. Restaurant […]

Do today’s law students need: a remedial study and a different external preparation for the bar?

The short answers are: it depends; and probably. Why? Because the students, the circumstances and the results of the bars have changed in the last decade. Traditionally, due to the general difficulty of state bar exams, most law school graduates had opted to take some type of external bar preparation course. Despite the rigors of law school and the emphasis […]

Do you need an employment lawyer?

An employment attorney is a legal representative who specializes in employment-related cases. If you believe that you have been unfairly fired, sexually harassed, treated unfairly, and discriminated against, an employment attorney can guide you in your rights as an employee. In addition to this, employment advocates often handle work-related disputes, including issues related to financial discrimination, worker’s compensation, wages, and […]

Securities Lawyer Job Description

When you work as a securities attorney, you will have to be responsible for three different areas, including: • Work with clients • Act as a resource • Stay informed about legal rulings and new laws regarding securities. Securities are investments that can be traded on the secondary market, which is where investors buy securities of other investors. Two examples […]

Em-Dash use and location: scoring for fiction writers

In case you’re unfamiliar with this favorite of fiction writers, the em-dash, often written as two hyphens side by side, is used to highlight information in parentheses, as I did in this sentence, or to indicate an interrupt: What? Mommy is writing. No, you can’t eat more ice cream. The em-dash also indicates a change or interruption in the character’s […]