The Inside Scoop on Hawaiian Wedding Customs

There are very few things more romantic than a Hawaii wedding held at sunset on a pristine beach or a waterfall surrounded by the lushest, greenest trees and plants. Oahu is a tropical paradise and, mainly for this reason, it is considered a prime location for weddings. The fantastic weather conditions, the stunning scenery and the welcoming atmosphere of the […]

A cover charge to enter the United States

If you were a foreigner who wanted to move to the United States, how much would it be worth to you? The EB-5 visa program, which was introduced on a pilot basis in 1990 and has been extended several times since, allows immigrants to exchange investment dollars for visas. Foreigners who invest between $500,000 and $1 million in public or […]

5 benefits of having a bite-proof bed for your dog

Teething can be a destructive period for a puppy. One of the reasons dog owners seek help during their pet’s teething is to reduce damage. Dogs can basically chew on anything around them. This period can be frustrating for homeowners who end up with priceless destruction to their home. No matter if it’s dirty socks, clean shoes, or expensive furniture, […]

The transportation industry affects our daily lives

I was having a very interesting conversation with a friend who owns a local trucking company in Tacoma, WA, and I was surprised by some of the things he said to me. The average person has no idea how much their life depends on trucking and this industry as a whole is much more important than people realize. You may […]

Joys of walking your dog in the rain

If you’re an active dog parent who spends a lot of time outdoors with your trusty companion, you probably don’t want to let a little bad weather ruin your good time. Most pet owners will have no problem walking their dogs in the rain as long as it is done correctly. Some dogs really love the rain, especially if they […]

History of rifle scopes

Our rifle scopes are most directly related to refracting telescopes, the first practical versions of which were seen around 1608 in the Netherlands. These first refracting telescopes are attributed to Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen, eyeglass makers, and Jacob Metius. We are probably most familiar with the name of Galileo Galilei, who learned of the invention in 1609 and proceeded […]

Dog Behavior Problems: Learn How to Put an End to Them

Dog behavior problems often start at a very young age. If not corrected, situations can easily get out of hand. The key to a happy coexistence with your pet can be a few simple training sessions. However, if you don’t learn to stop certain behaviors, your life together could be quite stressful. There are many different types of training available […]