Invest in multi-family properties

There are many ways to get started in real estate investing. For the beginner, a good strategy might be to purchase a multi-family rental unit. Four families or less per building is the ideal size to look for. This will allow you to purchase a building with a residential mortgage, taking advantage of lower interest rates. Here are some good […]

Water Conservation Basics

The average American household uses about 146,000 gallons of water each year, mostly inside the home. Scientists predict water shortages in thirty-six states by 2013. However, analysts say all is not bleak and there is much the nation can do to save an estimated 3 billion gallons of water each year. Simple changes in water consumption within the home can […]

Common Concrete Driveway Problems

Two frequently asked questions I get from owners: My input sounds hollow… is that bad? The sand runs out at the end of my driveway after it rains…is that bad? If you have significant voids or spaces between the concrete and the subgrade or if your driveway is on a steep grade, this can certainly be “bad.” Does your drive […]

I have herpes

Having an STD can be scary. You know what’s even scarier? The stigma that accompanies it. Actually, I don’t. But what was your first thought? Did your opinion of me change? I ask, because this is a very real situation that many have to deal with on a daily basis. Let’s talk about stigma. Let me start with a quick […]

How to find a well paying job

You may be reading this because you are unemployed or looking for a career change. Whether you are old or young, the job search is very stressful and challenging. And many people give up high-paying jobs in favor of jobs that are easy to get but pay less. Why settle for less? Here are some tips on how you can […]

Sell ​​Your Property FAST – With an Owner Financed Mortgage Note

It is well known that homeowner financing sells properties quickly, especially in cases where the properties or potential buyers do not fit the traditional loan/mortgage requirements. Seller offers to hold the mortgage note (owner financed mortgage) and receive monthly payments from Buyer as a bank would. The problem with this approach has been that sellers sometimes don’t want to collect […]

Which Summit County City is right for you?

An entrepreneurial community made up of several distinctive towns with spectacular mountain properties for sale, Summit County attracts people with its small-town charm and big-city action. Located deep in the highlands of the Rocky Mountains, Summit County is located approximately 70 miles west of Denver and boasts some of the best real estate in the mountains. From one- and two-bedroom […]