Help! A Pokémon is invading my lawn

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock since July 6, 2016, at least you know that millions of people around the world now spend every spare moment hunting Pokémon. (For the uninitiated who are about to correct my grammar, I am sure that Pokémon is both singular and plural, there are no ‘Pokemons’). It’s an international obsession, which saw the […]

Six basics of tweet etiquette on Twitter

Twitter is a community of people seeking knowledge. As in any other community, there are guidelines on how to communicate and treat others. Here are some basics related to appreciation, grammar, and information sharing to help you remember if you choose to acknowledge others or communicate with followers on Twitter. Express gratitude If others Retweet (RT) something you tweeted, you […]

Black Friday online deals

Save time and hassle this year by taking advantage of Black Friday deals online. If you’re like many shoppers, you flock to the doors of your favorite stores the day after Thanksgiving to get your hands on the latest gadgets, electronics, game consoles, GPS devices and more, at the lowest prices. low of the year. Why not avoid the crowds […]

Free verse

After studying and writing poetry since I was in third grade, more than fifty years, I have come to the conclusion that the more I learn, the more there is to learn. Every time I turn around, I discover another form or type of poetry. Some of the ways I have tried; others I decided not to use or examine […]

How to watch TV online

Everyone has their favorite TV shows that they hate to miss out on, but sometimes getting to TV in time for them is just impossible. If a DVR is not in the budget, there are ways for people to watch their favorite shows online. It’s easy to watch new episodes of some of the best TV shows shortly after they […]