
Does drinking coffee cause headaches?

Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world. Almost all households drink coffee and all family members drink it. We have coffee when we wake up, snack, lunch and dinner. It has become part of our daily life.

The brain produces a substance called adinosin. Triggers drowsiness. Adinosine binds to the adinosin receptor and therefore the person will feel drowsy. Then caffeine comes into the picture. Its main function is to block adinosine receptors and causes the brain to produce more adrenaline. This gives us more power to do additional things.

Many of us suffer from headaches and sometimes we blame it on the coffee. Is it correct to blame the coffee? Does drinking coffee cause headaches?

Caffeine in moderate consumption is used to cure headaches:

1. During the onset of migraine, the blood vessels expand, caffeine works by contracting the blood vessels or returning them to their normal size.

2. It seems to increase the potency of some pain relievers. Some medications that contain caffeine are Anacin Maximum Strength, Anacin Tablets and Tablets, Excedrin Non-Aspirin Tablets, Excedrin Extra Strength Tablets and Tablets, Excedrin Migraine, Goody’s Extra Strength Tablets, Goody’s Headache Powder, and Midol Menstrual Maximum Strength Tablets

3. Its stimulating effects can prevent the appearance of minor headaches.

On the other hand, too much of the good is bad. It can cause a headache for the following reasons:

1. Regular consumption of coffee triggers the production of dopamine in the brain’s pleasure circuit, resulting in a dependence on caffeine. Withdrawal symptoms are headaches, insomnia, and nausea.

2. Drinking on an empty stomach causes migraine. Especially for people prone to migraines. It also captures your appetite for other foods. The stomach appears to feel full after ingesting the compound. Coffee is not recommended before a meal.

3. Magnesium deficiency causes headaches. Caffeine is known for its diuretic properties. Frequent urination drains magnesium from your body.

4. Push your body and mind beyond their limits. You will feel very tired after the caffeine wears off.

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