Tours Travel

First hunt for aquarium fish

If you haven’t bought your aquarium fish yet, one of the best times in the aquarium hobby awaits you. You can finally go and buy the fish you’ve been dreaming about. However, where to start? Which fish should you buy first? All of these questions naturally come up pretty quickly when you sit down to plan your fishing itinerary. I will answer all these questions to help you start your aquarium fish hunting journey.

The first natural question that comes to mind is where do I start? My suggestion to you is to find a reliable resource, as well as do your own independent research. You can find much success in the aquarium hobby by consulting with a local fish store owner, searching online reef blogs, etc., but you also want to do your own research to confirm your findings. The decision of which fish to buy should be a long-term one, so make sure you are comfortable with your choices. In your research, you also want to consider the mature size of each fish compared to the size of your aquarium to ensure you have enough space.

After gathering some information, you want to create a list of fish that you would like to put in your aquarium. You must identify the order in which you will introduce each fish. My biggest suggestion to you, no matter how difficult it may be, is to not deviate from the list and buy a different fish unless you have done some additional research. You want to make sure that the fish you buy is a good substitute and still compatible with the other stock you keep in your aquarium.

The next step for you in this process is to complete the list of fish to buy. This list is largely up to the aquarium owner and should be created by you to ensure that you enjoy what is in your aquarium. The suggestions I would provide when creating this list are to carefully consider the size of the fish, their temperament, reef compatibility (they will eat coral), and the ideal tank size for their species. You want to make sure you buy a fish that will grow to a size that is sustainable for your aquarium tank size. Make sure that each fish you purchase gets along with the others in your aquarium ecosystem. Some species of fish are not as compatible with others, and you should make sure to identify this in your research. The order in which you introduce the fish can be very helpful if you intend to purchase a very territorial fish. Lastly, nothing is worse than buying a fish and realizing that it ate all the new coral overnight. Make sure you buy a fish that is reef compatible, if you are looking for a reef aquarium. I hope these tips help you get off to a great start on your journey!

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