
How I lost a million dollars in a bank robbery

The million dollars was my life savings to prepare the pump money for my biotech start-up. I’m Gerald Armstrong, the owner of Gen Cells Cures… Gen Cells Cures focuses on private medical research for the individual. Search for cures for incurable diseases and aging. Of course, with the best scientific technologies on the planet! With President Bush trying to get in the middle of the road on stem cell research and his rejection of therapeutic cloning. I packed my bags and went to the coast. A great place to go, but leave your money at home. I transferred the money to a Caribbean island and the local banker stole every penny.

The local government gave me my money back, but in their currency they then devalued the currency by almost 100% and I left almost broke. The banker also stole $2.2 billion of local people’s money. He bought himself out of the scandal and is enjoying my million along with the other billions he stole and his new helicopters and yachts in his home country! I’m pretty sure he’ll make the Forbes billionaires list next year. Not a bad deal… Robbing banks, if you have the conscience to do it! Don’t worry about the country, the International Monetary Fund stepped in to replace the stolen money, no questions asked. The US embassy cried out for justice in the scandal, but to no avail.

After the power company cut off my power for non-payment, I lost all my cell lines and had to close the lab. Chris Reeve had expressed his interest in helping me get back on track before his untimely death. I had to give up my small-scale philanthropy of feeding the poor people I had met on the island. My favorite individual charity was a young woman and hers was three of her children whose husband had died of cancer when she was in her early 60s. She and her children are on the street. I have discontinued her support because I don’t have the $200 a month needed for her food and housing expenses. I have contacted several billionaires to help me open my doors again (biotech and my food charity) while at the same time looking for their future cures. I was roundly turned down by the Annenbergs from Pennsylvania, Jeff Skoll, Pierre and Pam Omidyar, and Carl and Eloise Pohlad from Minnesota. James and Virginia Stowers never replied to my letter. I was hoping that maybe some of them would hand me microscopes of their biotech.

Hey, but Jim Pattison, the owner of Canada’s “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not,” is considering us, and Kirk Kerkorian appreciated that, and Richard Branson is considering us in case he needs our services, however, Richard Branson probably have some of the best genes anyone could wish for…living life as a teenager at 54 with all his famous stunts. I wouldn’t be surprised if he lives over 100 years without the help of Gen Cells Cure. But a little help from the medical scientists at Gen Cells Cures could ensure he sees over 100! Plus! But let’s wait and see what Donald has to say about the idea… That’s Donald Trump. He so far has not returned a penny to the coffers of Gen Cells Cures.

Article by Gerald [email protected]
Gerald is the owner of Gen Cells Cures- []

Visit his site for information on cures for incurable diseases and aging.

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