Digital Marketing

How to create an information product in less than 48 hours

The title of this article may sound provocative or even unattainable, but in reality, if you put your mind to it, it is perfectly possible to create a high-quality information product in less than 48 hours. The thing to remember is that with infoproducts, people pay for information (the clue is in the name). They don’t want fluff or filler. Life is too short for that.

Just think of the new diet book you buy every January. The first half is close enough to pure filler. You can skim through it to make sure that this method has been tested and will actually work. But you’ll almost certainly leave the first half of the book for “later” and skip to the chapter that tells you what to do to finally lose weight. Then you review the recipes and choose the ones that sound the best.

What you’ll be doing when you create your new information product in 48 hours or less is simply giving people the core content.

Start by deciding the topic you are going to cover.

That should be a single topic. So, going back to the weight loss example, it could be how to lose 20 pounds in 21 days. That kind of things. It is not a complete regimen of diet and exercise that will last you the rest of your life.

Then, once you’ve decided on your topic, spend at most an hour deciding what to include. Some of the best places to investigate include the “look inside” feature on Amazon and the sales letters for competing products. These almost always have bullet points in them and once you’ve studied a few sales letters (with your wallet safely tucked away in another room), you’ll know what to include.

After that, do some research. Places like Yahoo Answers and niche-specific forums are good places to do this. Write down what you are going to cover in your new information product.

Probably the best way to create a new information product is with screen capture software. You can get this for free with programs like Cam Studio or cheap with systems like Screencast-o-matic. The software is easy to use and produces good quality results.

Depending on your topic, you can use a Powerpoint-style presentation or demonstrate something on the screen. There’s almost no topic that can’t be covered this way – you don’t have to give full Hollywood-style presentations.

Rendering the video into a format that will play on any device takes about the same time as recording it in the first place, but you don’t have to sit and watch the progress bar while it happens! You can create your sales letter and upload it to your site. Then add a checkout button and a download page.

That’s all.

Don’t procrastinate or overanalyze. Do it!

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