Lifestyle Fashion

How to sexually excite a woman: 5 tips to turn her on

How to sexually arouse a woman is something most men struggle with. Most men mistakenly assume that women’s sexual arousal process is the same as men’s. Unlike men, women need to warm up before they can reach their peak of sexual arousal. Men, however, can go from cold to hot immediately. But the best part is: Regarding how to sexually arouse a woman, although it may take more for them to warm up, once they are horny, a woman’s sexual desires and needs can end up being even more difficult to satisfy than those. of a man. . Remember that girls are also sexual beings. Recognizing this can make learning how to sexually arouse a woman much easier and more effective.

To add to the above, the following are 5 more tips on how to sexually arouse a woman:

1. Touch more

Really mastering the subtleties of touch can help seduce a woman to imagine how wonderful sex with you can be. What I like about the concept of touch has to do with a mutually rewarding feeling for both you and her. She gets satisfaction from feeling your hands on her skin and you get satisfaction from feeling her skin with your hands. When each of you is in harmony with this slight exchange of pleasure, it can be absolutely amazing. But keep in mind that every woman is different, and some women may feel more uncomfortable touching than others. Measure the way it reacts the moment you touch it. If she agrees, you will know right away because she will feel sexually aroused and confident at the same time. Try it. I assure you that this is really as effective as it is simple.

2. Look her in the eye

Maintaining eye contact may be even simpler, but it’s actually a lot more powerful than it sounds. Staring into a woman’s eyes while talking or touching her is actually one of the best methods to sexually arouse a girl. The key is to maintain eye contact longer than her. In other words, don’t look down or break eye contact unless she does it first. This adds a level of emotional intensity to your interaction. She will feel it starting with her eyes but also deep within her body. You will almost certainly notice that this little strategy can make a big difference.

3. Speak with caution

To put it another way, watch what you are saying. The quickest way to wake a woman up is to say things that are sure to kill the mood. Be careful not to talk about anything that is too uninteresting, too depressing, or too serious. Subtly mention the things that will make her think sexually without being overly sexual. Ask him when was his first kiss. Ask her how her first kiss made her feel. You get the idea.

4. Make her laugh

Making her laugh is a talent that cannot be fully explained in detail here, but the following are 3 humorous tips that could help you when it comes to how to sexually arouse a woman: 1) Never stop smiling. Neither laughter nor sexual attraction can be built if every time she sees you, you frown. Without frowning. 2) Act like a fool. Women are magnetically drawn to men who have the confidence and self-assurance to be comfortable laughing at themselves for their own shortcomings or for any other reason. 3) Find your favorite comedians. By doing this, you can choose perfect examples of what she thinks is funny or you can find funny movies and shows starring those comedians, watch them with her, and also laugh with her.

5. Start and stop

Start and stop, push and pull, up and down, back and forth. No matter what you call it, one thing will remain true: women get turned on by this pattern. This routine of creating sexual tension works because it gradually builds anticipation. It creates the effect that you are eager to have sex but not knowing when you are going to get it. If you want to understand how to sexually arouse a woman, you must understand how to develop sexual tension in intervals. The best way to do this is to take 2 steps forward and 1 step back, over and over again. Grab his hand, then stop. Then grab it again. Then it stops. Then hold her hand, intertwining your fingers. Then it stops. Go a little further than last time each time you start and stop. Rinse and repeat and very soon, you will pass the home base.

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