Tours Travel

Introduction to the Malawi Cichlid

Lake Malawi, the third largest lake found in Africa and the eighth largest in the world, is home to several more species of fish than anywhere else in the world today. Malawi Cichlids are some of the most beautiful fish on the planet. They are known to have a wide variety of wonderful colors and have become very popular with fish collectors.

The lake is known for being rocky with very little vegetation. However, near the edge of the lake it is sandier with fewer rocks and the water is more open there. It is there that you can find a different habitat. The two cichlid habitats that are different are those that live on or around rocks and those that are considered non-rock dwellers.

If you are a fish keeper and are considering getting some of the cichlids for your aquarium, you should make sure you know which group to choose as rock dwellers and non-rock dwellers are known to not be able to live with each other quite well. good. It is also believed that none of them can survive with any other type of fish.

Once you make your decision as to which one you would prefer to have, you will next need to organize the aquarium. If they are the rock dwellers, of course you will need a lot of rocks and also small caves or places for them to explore and hide.

As for the non-rock dwellers, you will need to prepare a sandier environment with the most open water for them. Just spread some rocks in the bottom of the tank; they will not need caves or places to hide.

Be sure to remember what it is like for them to be in their habitat, they like to be in water where the temperature is around 24-26 degrees Celsius or 76-79 degrees Fahrenheit. It is very important to replicate this inside the tank. You will also need to keep the tank away from heaters and out of direct sunlight.

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