Health Fitness


WOULDN’T YOU LOVE TO FEEL THE WAY YOU FELT WHEN YOU WERE A TEEN? You could look and feel at least 20 years younger using some techniques, but they need a bit of work.

Although not instantaneous, when you increase the amount of human growth hormone (HGH) in your body, it will bring about both physiological and psychological changes that will leave you looking and feeling years younger.

Increasing your HGH levels not only helps you feel much healthier, but another benefit is that it can help burn off your unwanted ‘spare tire’, as well as other hard-to-reach fats.

If you, or someone you know, are trying to burn fat, increasing the level of human growth hormones in your body is one of the best ways to achieve it. A large body of evidence shows a strong relationship with hgh levels and body fat. That shows that our ability to burn fat increases when our body produces more HGH.

It’s no secret that there is a right way and a wrong way to increase HGH levels, but we’re going to keep it clean here.

Weight Loss Benefits of Human Growth Hormones

*Improved sleep and mood

*Improvement in Sports Performance and Recovery Time.

*Increase bone density

* Energy level and stamina increase

* Improves the ability to burn fat

* Promotes lean muscle mass

Knowing that such benefits exist, it is understandable that a professional athlete might be tempted to increase their Hgh levels in an unethical manner.

It is good to know that all this can be natural. I have no doubt that by using these techniques, we can lose body fat and achieve weight loss goals.

When prompted to do so, our pituitary gland will naturally release human growth hormones. What does it take to encourage the pituitary gland to release huge levels of hgh into the bloodstream, or even a little more?

It has come to my attention that the pituitary gland does not speak English, so we will need to communicate in a language that it understands. Don’t worry, you already know the language.

This; Speak louder than words Actions

Actions speak louder than words is what my wife always tells me. So we will use actions to communicate with our pituitary gland.

The 5 actions listed below will help your HGH levels rise and deepen your fountain of youth…

1- Sleep enough.

This is especially important for men. It is understood that in the first 90 minutes of sleep for men it is the time when HGH’s highest levels are released, however, prolonged sleep sessions showed a greater increase in HGH. It is suggested to sleep 8 to 10 hours.

2-Stay away from sugar

Glucose will limit the regular hormone increase in human growth in our system because it acts as an inhibitor, even more if it had intense training. Sports drinks will work against them more than in their favor, unless he has been exercising for more than an hour, or if he is training for an elite competition. Gatorade and other sports drinks contain glucose, which decrees the flow of HGH, especially after their training when you need it most. Drink more water during and after a workout and skip the Gatorade if you really want to lose fat.

3-Intermittent Fasting

Although Intermittent Fasing has many benefits, as well as an effect on hgh, you can improve results when using it. Because intermittent fasting has a good relationship with the pituitary gland, the action will be heard loud and clear and will help increase HGH levels on its own.

You will reinforce the effect by combining fasting and exercise, (The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts). You’ll soon be on the road to definition and body fat loss when you exercise on an empty stomach. Remember to take steps to maximize your HGH response when exercising in a predestined state.

4-High Intensity Interval Training

The fact is, you’re doing all you can if you’re working to lose weight and you’ve heard of successes. There is no better way to increase human growth hormones in your body and burn fat than high intensity interval training exercise routine. HIITS HELPS increase HGH during and after workouts.

Review: More Human Growth Hormone = Better Fat Burning Ability

People Just Gover realizes how important the rest is. Rest is what you need to ensure that you can have intense workouts. To help us reach Our Fast Lactate Threshold, High Intensity Interval Training is necessary. A message is sent to our pituitary gland to release a large amount of HGH when we reach the lactate threshold. The good thing about this is that we can finish these intervals with any exercise. Just try your favorite exercise.

My own favorite is the treadmill, so my usual routine would look like this:

Walk 1 minute, 30 seconds of brisk walking, the session is 15 minutes.

To see if you get the flush you want, look for

*Skin is warm to the touch

*You are sweating

* You are missing a break when you complete your workout

5- Cold shower

I couldn’t tell you how much HGH increase you will get when you take an alternate shower from cold water to hot water, but I know it helps with recovery. I don’t know if these are true stories, but I’ve heard many bodybuilders and other athletes insist that an ice bath or cold shower plays an important role in recovery and helps delay muscle soreness. If it takes it to the extreme, I think that rotating a cold and hot shower could have almost the same effect as high -intensity intervals training, but it will help with the recovery of training. If I have time, this is what I do before training.

Cold water (As cold as I can take it, you might want to scream) for 30 seconds.

1 minute of hot water

Repeat for 10 minutes.

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