Health Fitness

Penis Enlargement Exercises: 4 Kegel Exercises That Can Enhance Your Penis As Soon As Possible

When it comes to doing penis enlargement exercises, Kegel exercises would be your best bet. These exercises will not only improve the size and power of your penis, but will also help you to have better control over the pleasure you experience in your sexual life, in general. Other than that, he doesn’t even need to be a professional to get what he wants this way. Also, there is no risk involved in doing these penis enlargement exercises, so you can ensure that your penis remains safe at all times.

1. Tempered Anal

The best way to structure this workout would be to imagine stopping yourself from releasing gas from your butt and then holding the contraction of that muscle for as long as possible. Instead, you can hold the contraction for about 5 seconds and then release the contraction for 5 seconds until you’ve completed 10 repetitions. Doing these penis enlargement exercises 3 times a day should yield some significant results if done on a regular basis.

2. Resistance training

For these penis enlargement exercises, you will first need to achieve an erection. Once you have one, keep squeezing and releasing your anal muscles repeatedly until you feel a bit of a burn in that particular area. Once you have reached your limit, you can stop doing the exercise.

The best thing about resistance training is that you can do it pretty much anywhere, anytime. In fact, since it won’t be obvious that you’re exercising the penile tissues and anal tissues during this exercise, there won’t be any problem doing these exercises on the go either.

3. The ‘I have to go’ technique

Another of the highly recommended penis enlargement exercises would be the “I have to go” technique, which can be done while urinating. Basically, all you have to do is wait until you urinate with the highest possible pressure. Then suddenly try to hold the urine without the help of your hands. Hold the contraction for about 5 seconds and then release it. If you can do this exercise regularly, you should be able to make your urinary tract much stronger over time and also keep incontinence at bay.

4. The washcloth technique

Without a doubt, this is the easiest of the penis enlargement exercises that exist. All you need to do is get an erection, preferably while at home, and place a washcloth over it. When you do this, you should feel some weight pushing down on your penis. Once you feel this way, contract your muscles and try to move the washcloth up and down while it is on your penis. As time goes by you should be able to do this in succession much faster.

If this exercise starts to get boring because your penis has gotten used to the weight being placed on it, try placing a wet washcloth instead. A wet wipe will weigh more than a regular one, so you can continue the challenge as needed. This would be highly recommended once your muscles have strengthened and will help you produce stronger erections in the long run.

As mentioned above, Kegel exercises are great for keeping impotence and incontinence at bay. If you already have one of these conditions, doing these exercises can also help you get rid of your symptoms completely. In fact, no matter what problems you may be experiencing due to weak pelvic muscles, Kegel exercises would be the secret to eliminating them for good.

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