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Social networking sites can earn you friends and money

It’s almost a safe bet that if you have internet access you have friends on Facebook and tweet from time to time. In fact, before you found yourself reading this article, you were on Facebook and you will be as soon as you finish it. No matter what time of day or night it is, you can’t help but see what your friends are talking about, where a good restaurant is, how you should spend your evening tonight, and how to save money on the latest must-have electronics.

Social networking sites have become their own thing and are not just an appendage to real life social situations. When social networking sites were new, people used them to find people. Now the sites are used by a large number of institutions to promote their brand with pages on Facebook and Twitter. Postings on these sites include ads for schools, restaurants, stores, theaters, and the government, among others.

The first non-personal post I came across on Facebook was from a local restaurant with its own page. The page talked about lunch specials and upcoming events the restaurant was hosting. Every time I went to my account to check my social circle, the restaurant menu was right in front of my face. It didn’t matter if she was hungry or wanted to eat out, the menu was there in all its appetizing glory. I usually went to the restaurant.

This principle can easily be applied to retail stores. With a Facebook special announcements and promotions page, people can’t help but see it. People who spend any time on Facebook jump from page to page in an instant soaking up all sorts of information without any real depth. This reading is similar to reading the headlines in a newspaper. Any catchy headline on any topic will grab people’s attention and a subsequent link click.

To be effective, a page must be updated frequently and carefully maintained. This is true for all Pages, whether they belong to an individual or a business. Facebook is a great benefit for business owners as they can directly and immediately engage with customers and answer any specific questions quickly and accurately. A person looking for a karaoke bar to spend the night and wants to know when the karaoke starts can ask the manager and get an instant answer. The client decides to bring himself and ten friends that night for some karaoke and brewskis. The business owner made his profit for the day with that one answer.

A person who wants to promote a service or sell a product can also take advantage of social networking sites. Looking for a job? Post your ad on your updated profile with information about your home and pet care experience and when you are available. You can post a photo of the mountain bike you want to sell. You can be sure that all your Facebook friends will see it and spread the word.

The best part of advertising a business on social networking sites is that you get maximum exposure for minimum cash outlay. Posting on the sites is free and an attractive presence can drive an incredible number of traffic to the company page. That page has also made the client feel good about their decision-making ability because that page was their discovery. He was proactive. People discover shops and restaurants on Facebook on their own. This is much more customer-friendly than anonymously leaving a flyer under someone’s windshield wiper. This action may seem more like an intrusion than an important announcement. The Facebook way is never rude or intrusive.

Social networking sites were once the playground of college students and emerging garage bands. Now they are a main and legitimate place to increase business. Everyone accesses social networking sites. All these potential customers are just a click away.

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