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The history of the Ficus tree

The genus Ficus contains 800 species and 2000 varieties of trees, shrubs, and vines. These plants are grown in many different climates, including tropical forests, the Middle East, Africa, and the United States. With the wide variety of ficus trees available, you can find them almost anywhere in the world.

The common fig tree is a variety of ficus and dates back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, mentioned in Genesis. There are fig trees found and excavated outside of Jericho that are 11,400 years old! This find is the oldest cultivar of fig trees found to date. The genus ficus has existed for 60-80 million years! The Banyan species of ficus appears to replant itself as it grows, dives into the ground, and shoots new growth.

Fig and ficus trees have been produced for food, religious and practical uses. The fig fruit was part of the food found in the Promised Land; it was known as “honey.” Butterflies feed on figs, just like other species. The soft wood of ficus was used in Ancient Egypt to produce the coffins in which mummies were later found. Uganda used the bark of ficus to make paper similar to Egyptian papyrus. The fig / ficus is considered sacred by Buddha; and in Islam and East Asia. The World Tree in the Hindu religion is of the Ashvastha species. As you can see, the ficus is quite common throughout history and this is just the top of the iceberg. Is it any wonder that the ficus is therefore considered a keystone species? which means that many of the living depend on him for their existence?

Fig varieties come in two forms: edible and inedible. The common fig is not edible, since the fruit is of the male and female variety. Only the female fruit is edible. The fig is shaped as tiny, compressed male and female flowers that grow inside the “pod” and is considered a flower from the inside out. Only one species of wasp per species of ficus can pollinate. For that reason, some ficus varieties never bloom because the tree outnumbers the wasp.

Ficus can be a bit difficult to grow. The genus requires temperatures of 60-72ยบ; only moist soil, not wet, and bright or filtered light. They can be an insidious plant, with a lot of leaf litter in season. Since these varieties are so demanding and difficult to maintain, they are still a good houseplant.

Ficus works well indoors in pots and with southern exposure. If you use a live one, the leaves will keep falling. Realistic artificial fig, fig and banyan trees can be purchased.

Artificial ficus varietals can be produced from natural wood logs and polyester or silk leaves. The foliage may look real enough that you will find someone watering your (fake) office plant! There is a wide range of sizes available for your artificial ficus. These will live forever in your office corner and will fit well inside cubicles. There is no mess or problems.

Live or artificial, ficus can be a good addition to your home or workplace.

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