
The ungodly lifestyle is fruitless

Many people do not know that it costs more and requires more effort to live ungodly than to live holy. The main reasons are that, when we are not living in holiness, we do not have the support of God as we do when we live in holiness. I know the pain and the wounds of not living in holiness. That’s why I want to share some of the effects to help you avoid them:

  • separation from god
  • always stressed
  • unanswered prayers
  • satan’s entrance
  • bad example

yesseparation from god

Have you ever been around someone who has really bad breath? Can you imagine that person standing in front of you and talking to you with a breath that smells like a garbage truck? Sound nice? You wouldn’t want to have a “close” conversation with that person, would you? Can you imagine sitting around them for a long period of time? Wouldn’t that make you want to vomit? When we live an ungodly lifestyle, it separates us from God.

When God created man, His intention was not for us to separate from Him, but for us to have fellowship with Him. However, after Adam and Eve sinned, things changed. His eyes were opened because of his sin. “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made blankets for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the Lord God as he walked in the garden. the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, Where art thou? (Genesis 3:7-9)

You notice that after they sin, they hide from God. That is what has happened to those who are not living a holy lifestyle. They try to avoid going to church or having conversations that talk about sin. I used to be like this. There were times in my life when I didn’t live holy and during that time I tried to avoid having conversations about holiness as much as I could.

My relationship with God was growing day by day. Although he went to church, he did not listen to the word. I heard it, but I didn’t hear it. There is a difference.

Sometimes I wonder why God seems so far away from me. She couldn’t feel his presence at all or hear his voice. The worst thing for any Christian is to feel separated from God. When that happens, all hope seems to be lost.

always stressed

There are certain factors in our lives that are caused by not living well. For example, when someone is living ungodly, he is always on guard to make sure no one sees him. I can identify with that.

I remember the time in the dorms making sure no one was around when I knew a certain show was about to come on. I made sure I was in a position to change the channel or website every time someone approached. That caused me a lot of stress because I was constantly worried that someone would find out some of the things I did behind the scenes. Sometimes I wondered if anyone saw anything, which made me very nervous.

unanswered prayers

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t answer some of your prayers? Part of the reason could be because you are living a life full of sin. You cannot please God while living in the flesh. “Walk in the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16) When there is sin, especially willful sin in our lives, and we are not obeying the word, God does not listen to us. Isaiah 50:2 tells us, “But your iniquities have turned you away from your God; your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear” and Psalm 66:18 says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me”

Prayer is a way of verbalizing our needs and desires to God. It can be very frustrating to pray the same prayer for a while and not get any answers from the Lord. I’ve been there and it doesn’t feel right. Make sure you live holy and pure before God so that He can answer your prayers.

satan’s entrance

Satan is very cunning and deceitful. He knows exactly how to “itch” in certain areas of our lives without us realizing it. I wasn’t caught up in my sexual sins (lust, porn, masturbation) in one day. The more I feed it, the more it grows.

When I started desiring women, I started with just one look for about two seconds. As time passed, the more he looked, the more he looked. Before I knew it, I was already caught up in it.

Same with porn, it started with surfing the web without any intention of going to a porn website. Then a thought came to my mind, “why don’t you write such and such?”, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to look at girls in short skirts. From that moment on, I couldn’t stop coming back to those websites.

This is the numerical form that Satan uses to trap people in sexual sin or sins in general. Has the thought ever come to your mind, whether it’s someone convincing you or just yourself, “it doesn’t hurt to try.” That’s all he wants you to do, just one try. This is how most people get addicted. It only takes one to get it.

Look at Adam and Eve. They only ate the apple “ones” and caused suffering to the entire human race. The more you know how the enemy operates, the more you will understand that “we are not ignorant of his schemes” (2 Cor. 2:11). Don’t let it “hang”.

Give the enemy no place to influence your walk with God. If that means you don’t watch TV for a while, do it. We all have our struggles and God understands. But there is a difference between someone who fights and gets help, and someone who fights and doesn’t ask for help. The enemy always attacks those who want freedom from him. He knows that those who are set free will be free forever. However, those who are struggling and do not seek help, he cares less about them because he knows that he has total control over them. Satan walks day and night looking for those who devour me. I know sometimes we all slip and fall. When that happens, dust yourself off, get up and keep running. God is running with you. He wants you to earn more than you want to earn. He is more concerned about your holiness than about you.

Bad example for others.

You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do you light a lamp and put it under a bowl, but put it on its lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. so let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and praise your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16) When you are not living the “Christian” life, it causes others to question your faith Why? Because you say one thing but do another. When that happens, people start to question more than your faith. They question your integrity. You won’t be very effective when people see you as “do what I say and not what I do”. , Christian.”

If we are going to preach the word of God, we must also live the word of God. Our lives must be a living testimony of what we preach. When we fail to do that, it causes others to flee from Jesus. Have you ever heard people say something like, “I want to be a Christian or go to church, but church people are cheesy?” I’ve heard that several times.

I thank God for not letting anyone know that for as long as I am “Christians do what I say and not what I do.” Please learn to live what you preach. Remember that the Jesus most people will know is the Jesus inside you. I want you to ask yourself this question, is Jesus in you touching the lives of others? If not, then you really have to examine yourself.

There are so many effects of not living a holy lifestyle. The above are just some of them.

Examine your relationship with the Lord. What are some of the things you do that do not please God? If you don’t know, take a few minutes to evaluate your walk with God. Ask God to show you what is in your life that is making you unfruitful. What prevents you from serving God wholeheartedly?

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