Lifestyle Fashion

Tips for thick penis: sex with a wider penis size

Although most conversations about penis size tend to focus on the length of the member, in some cases it is the girth that is unusual. Indeed, a thick penis can be long, but it is also quite possible that a medium or short penis will impress with its width. No matter the girth, a man needs to practice proper penis care to keep his manhood healthy, but there are some special things to consider when owning an especially thick penis.

What is a thick penis?

There is no firm definition, but in general, a thick penis is considered a member that measures more than 5 inches in circumference when erect. As with the length, it should be noted that the circumference can vary in a man. Penis can be 5″ long one day and 5.5″ long the next, so there may be slight differences in girth.

thick penis tips

There are some areas where a man with a larger penis size may need to take some special measures. These include:

– Find a condom that fits. It is important for any man to use proper protection during partnered sex, so it is crucial to identify a condom that fits correctly, secure but not too tight. Most men with a thick penis will need to wear a size XL. Many of these men complain that it is too tight at the bottom; however, condoms are generally designed to fit more snugly at the base to stay securely in place.

– Keep sex pleasurable for a couple. One of the most common complaints from highly gifted men is that their members cause their partners pain. In fact, most vaginas are capable of accommodating all but the thickest penises, so the problem is usually not that the vagina is too small, but rather that steps have not been taken to make sexual intercourse possible. be painless

The most important thing a couple can do to ensure painless sex with a female penis is to use plenty of lube. That means that both the penis and the vagina must be well lubricated before attempting insertion. Also, proper foreplay is definitely required. While every woman is different, a general rule of thumb is to spend at least ten minutes in arousing, loving foreplay. This not only creates more natural lubrication, but also encourages a process known as vaginal temptation. Foreplay causes a relaxation of muscle tension in the vaginal area; when foreplay continues for an adequate amount of time, this will cause the uterus to rise, which in turn creates more room in the vagina to accommodate a thick penis.

Finally, choose a position that is most comfortable for the couple. Some experimentation may be required, but many couples find that the woman-on-top or doggy-style position is better for allowing more maneuverability when dealing with a thicker penis.

– Maintenance of cleanliness. Sometimes a penis that is quite thick when erect has a normal girth when flaccid. This often results in the penis having ‘folds’ of skin when soft. It can be easy for dirt or bacteria to hide in these folds. It is vital to clean inside the folds when this is the case.

No matter the size of the penis, be it thick or thin, maintaining your health is made simple by using a superior penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin). Sex with an insufficiently prepared vagina is likely to leave the skin of the penis raw, so a cream with a combination of powerful moisturizers (eg, shea butter and vitamin E) is required. That roughness can also lead to a loss of penile sensation, so the cream should also include acetyl L carnitine. This neuroprotective ingredient helps protect the delicate sensitivity of the penis that can otherwise cloud sexual enjoyment.

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