
Why do babies cry? A Basic Guide for New Moms

For new moms, a constantly crying baby is probably the most depressing thing that can happen. You just gave birth, you brought a new life to this world, but now it starts to seem like maybe this world is torture for your baby. Now everything looks different, and suddenly you understand that being a mother actually involves more emotionally than you thought.

All babies cry and we can all assume that it is their only way of communicating their needs to the world. Being a hobbyist in the mommy field, it is important to understand your own baby; when and why does he cry and what does it mean. Only then will you know how to comfort him by alleviating the discomfort.

Well, babies cry for different reasons because, just like us, they have different comfort zones in different situations. Hunger is the most basic and logical reason for a baby’s cry. Since they can only be breastfed for a few months, it makes perfect sense if your baby is hungry quickly and wants to nurse after every 20 minutes. But hey, that’s why you have breasts; to feed your baby. So let him feed. As your tummy fills up, it calms your body and soothes it.

Another reason most babies cry constantly is discomfort. It may be too hot or too cold. As a general rule of thumb, doctors recommend only one more layer of clothing than you do. That should feel comfortable enough to keep your baby calm. Check if the clothes are too tight. Remember, a baby’s skin is not as tough as yours. So skinny jeans and other tight clothes are probably not the best options right now. Again, check to see if the diaper is dirty. Babies have it easy. If they have to urinate or poop, they just go ahead and shed the shell. They don’t care if you judge them. As a mother, it is your duty to check your baby’s diaper for dirty and clean it. The longer you delay this checkup, the more likely your baby will have an infection.

Babies can also cry because they simply need a nap. Like you, babies also want to rest and may not know how to fall asleep on their own. So they retaliate by crying because they want to be held and hugged to sleep. They have just come out of the womb, where everything was warm and calm. It is natural that they need to continue to feel snuggled and secure. So hold him against you and let the rhythm of your heartbeat calm him to sleep. Rock him gently and sing softly until he falls asleep. Nature has forced you to fulfill this duty. So don’t let your baby down.

Finally, if your baby’s cry sounds louder, or if he continues to cry even after doing all these uses, it may be a sign that something is wrong; perhaps a complex health problem. Visit a pediatrician as soon as possible and have it checked out before it’s too late.

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