100cm TPE Sex Doll

TPE Sex Doll

Unlike a real teen sex doll, a 100cm TPE sex toy is not limited to one size. This sex toy comes in many different sizes, from 40cm to 100cm. Care instructions include washing the private parts with antimicrobial soap. You can flush the soap from the doll using a hand shower. Proper care can help the toy last for a long time.

100cm sex doll

TPE sex dolls are more realistic than other products on the market. The TPE material is less likely to break than silicone or TPE, which can cause a rash or a break. A 100cm TPE sex toy is also less expensive than other options. A hundred centimeter TPE toy will last for many years, and is the ideal size for beginners.

A 100cm TPE sex doll is smaller than a 60cm sex toy. These are lighter and easier to store, and they are much less expensive. Another great thing about a 100cm TPE sex toy is that it is easy to clean and maintain, which makes them great for traveling. A hundred centimeter TPE sex toy is a great choice for people who are concerned about STDs.

100cm TPE Sex Doll

Compared to real girls, a sex toy is much cheaper. A 100cm TPE doll won’t look down on you if you have an early ejaculation or get pregnant. It won’t cause STDs or make you pregnant. They won’t ask you questions or lose your temper. You can even put a hundredcm TPE doll in any position you desire.

As a beginner, a 100cm TPE sex toy is a great choice for a first time sex toy. It is affordable and light, making it perfect for beginners. They are also ideal for people who are hesitant about trying out sex toys and don’t have a lot of experience. They can be used to simulate sexual activity in a safe, private environment.

Besides being cheaper than a real girl, a sex toy can be used as a playmate or companion. The 100cm TPE sex toy is lightweight and easy to carry. It can even be used as a sex toy. You can use it as a sex toy to play with, or as a sexual toy for your children.

A 100cm TPE sex toy is much lighter than a regular doll. It is also more compact and easy to carry. You can store it easily with its low weight of about 12kg (26 pounds). The toy can even be used by a child. However, there is a downside to this toy. The fact that it’s smaller than a regular toy means that it is difficult to keep clean.

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