Dumb Me Down, Scottie

Languages ​​have become more dynamic, they are in a state of change, acquiring new vocabulary from other cultures. English is particularly adept at borrowing from other languages. There are more foreign loan words in German than the other way around: computer, car rental, fast food, to name just a few. They are often elements of everyday life with practical use. […]

Hyper attachment: a symptom of separation anxiety in dogs

Hyper attachment in dogs is the most common problem among puppies and older dogs. This article describes the causes, symptoms, and solutions for hyper-attached dogs. What Causes Hyper Attachment in Dogs?? Dogs can develop hyper attachment problems for a number of reasons. Dogs that have deficits in their sensory perception, such as sight and hearing, are likely to develop hyper […]

Mastery squat occupation explained

The only thing that bothers me the most on the subject of domain names is when I try to find a domain name for a new site only to find that most of the names I can think of are already taken. Even more annoying is that these names are not used for a site related to the domain name. […]