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Anger: Can Suppressed Anger Cause Skin Problems?

It has been said that all emotions have a purpose, and this means that it is going to be important that one pay attention to all of them. However, even if this is the case, it may be easier said than done.

What this boils down to is that while they can embrace certain emotions, there may be others that they can’t. In fact, you may only be aware of certain emotions, and this is likely to mean that there will be emotions that you are disconnected from.


When it comes to why they are experiencing life in this way, it could be said that the type of conditioning they have received will have played a separate role. While certain emotions are considered acceptable, there are others that are not.

Along with this, one may also feel that they have to make sure that they do not allow their emotions to get out of control. Thus, you can express certain emotions, but you will need to keep a close eye on which ones you can express.

to zombie

What it boils down to is that emotions are often seen as a problem in today’s world, and this is because they can prevent people from being able to function. If they were to experience anger or anxiety, for example, it could prevent them from fulfilling the role that society wants them to play.

On the one hand, it could prepare them to commit crimes, and on the other hand, it could prevent them from being as productive. As a result of this, the ideal might be for one to be an emotionally human being.

Pros and cons

On the plus side, this would allow one to do what society expects one to do; there would be no chance of them causing trouble. This would keep the wheels of the machine running smoothly.

However, this would prevent them from experiencing the ups and downs that make life enjoyable. His ability to connect with his fellow humans would also end up being destroyed.

other factor

That being said, it would be inaccurate to say that society is the only influence when it comes to one’s relationship with their emotions. How their caregivers responded to their emotions during their early years will have been a separate factor.

This could have been a time where they had to hide what was going on inside of them, or maybe they were only able to express certain emotions. Either way, this would have prevented them from developing a healthy relationship with what was going on inside of them.

the passing of the years

As an adult, one might find that while they are comfortable being happy, they are not comfortable being angry. If they got mad, they could keep it to themselves.

This can mean that they will find it difficult to stand their ground, and this will allow other people to walk all over them. Alternatively, one may find that he doesn’t even get angry at all, and this probably shows that he has completely disengaged from his anger.


But while this will cause them to experience problems, it doesn’t mean they will come to the conclusion that they need to change their life. Instead, it might be normal for one to believe that he is doing the right thing.

There might be people around you who give you positive feedback for being so calm. Or, if they notice what’s going on, you might tell them to stop letting other people take advantage of them.

the full spectrum

When you are in touch with your emotions and are able to pay attention to how you are feeling, it will allow you to function as a whole human being. If something is not right or if they are being stepped on, they will be able to do something about it.

During the times when your life is going well, you can feel good without feeling guilty. And if they’ve just experienced a loss, they’ll be able to feel the pain inside them without pushing it away.


Ultimately, emotions are there to inform one about what is happening, and if you don’t pay attention to this information, your life will be more difficult than it needs to be. When it comes to anger, this usually arises when one feels that they are being compromised or taken advantage of in some way.

If they take the time to investigate why they are angry, it will allow them to do something about what is happening. However, if they don’t do this, they can continue to experience life in the same way.

does not go

And even if one were to ignore his anger, that doesn’t mean it will just go away. In the short term it may seem that way, and then as time goes on it could start to affect them in other ways.

For example, they may find that they begin to experience headaches and/or migraines, ulcers, and may have stomach problems, for example. What this boils down to is that not everyone is going to respond in the same way.

skin problems

It may also only be a matter of time before your skin starts to suffer, and this could only affect a certain area of ​​your body. Your skin may look red, or it may end up dry and cracked.


When this happens, it will be vital that they investigate why they are angry. This could be a time when you need to talk about something or change your life in some way.

You may need to talk to a friend about what you are going through, or you may seek the support of a therapist.

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