Aviator scarf: wear it correctly

The aviator scarf has been around for a large part of history. They were originally made of wool on one side and later silk on the other. They get their name from the pilots who used them out of need for protection. It definitely didn’t start out as a fashion trend. This type of scarf is usually cut to a […]

Some things ARE real

Nowadays, with all the scams, lies, scams, and outright steals being promoted online; it is difficult to start real businesses. We have become so used to being disappointed that it is almost impossible for us to believe anyone about anything on the Internet. We mostly ignore around 98% of what we are told. At least I do. I used to […]

Weight gain for children: it’s all in the juice box

There is no such thing as “hidden calories”. Just look at the nutrition label and you’ll see in seconds the amount of calories, carbohydrates, sugar, protein and fat. Juice Boxes: 100% Natural Juice and Filled with Calories and Sugar and can add hundreds of unnecessary calories a day and are easily replaced with zero-calorie, zero-sugar alternatives. “Natural”Fruit Juices are NOT […]