Narcissist Military Tactics

If you found yourself a prisoner of war, would you be happy? Would you lie dreaming in your cell or tent and wonder how you have been so lucky? If you found the door open and there were no guards on duty, would you stay inside, thanking your lucky stars? Of course not. Emotional abuse in a relationship is a […]

Banking KPIs: metrics used to evaluate the performance of a banking entity

Banking KPIs include certain metrics that are quantifiable and specific. They can be classified into six classifications, such as revenue metrics, cost metrics, company asset metrics, investment metrics, interest margin metrics, and risk metrics. KPIs or key performance indicators are metrics that are used to measure the progress of an organization towards the achievement of its objectives. These metrics can […]

Hyperion calculation commands

AGG (Dim List): will calculate only sparse dimensions, will not consolidate formulas. AGG (Dim List): will calculate only sparse dimensions, will not consolidate formulas. Data copy: data will be copied from one member to another member For example: COPY OF DATA real to budget; – It will copy the data from the actual budget to the budget. FIX & END […]

Be an outstanding communicator who achieves goals

“Everything that the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich” Your ability to communicate with confidence, clarity, energy and persuasion, in every speaking situation, is directly related to your success regardless of your field or profession. I always ask my clients during their executive voice training program, “Why do you want to […]

Two important things in desktop publishing

An effective graphic guides the reader through your publication. Readers should find a logical sequence of events as they find and read your ad or post. Graphic design should provide a roadmap that guides your readers from one point to another. The layout of the map should follow the natural tendency of readers to read an ad or post from […]