Is artificial intelligence a threat to human intelligence?

With the creativity and intelligence of technological superfields, Artificial Intelligence has been introduced in recent years. He has no doubt that it helped us humans, and there are so many examples of it, including Siri, smart cars, video games, Google Now, etc. that we use in our daily lives. Considering the rapid growth of AI and humans’ reliance on it, […]

Top 5 Tips for Traveling by Car with Your Boston Terrier

One of the challenges of owning a dog is traveling with your canine companion. There are issues when traveling with any breed, but Boston Terriers come with their own set of special needs that need to be addressed when taking long road trips. There are many methods, many tools, methods and techniques that are used to manage car trips with […]

Tips for choosing the best dog food for your Labrador

The problem with choosing the best dog food for a Labrador is that there are huge amounts of different dog food trial options available today. As dog owners, we are quickly stumped: which one to choose? There are supports for puppies of specific breeds, for puppies with specific ailments and predestined hereditary problems, for puppies that go to work, dogs […]

How to make car wax

how to make wax Today, beeswax is sometimes used in car waxes, but is more commonly used in furniture waxes and polishes. You can make your own wax very easily, my ancestors did it on the Cape Cod plantation, it’s a relatively simple process and fun too. First you need a couple of pots to boil and a pot of […]

Pivot Point Moving Average System – A Better Alternative to SMA

Moving averages are one of the most widely used technical indicators and are very popular with technicians or those traders who use technical analysis a lot in their trading. Many automated trading systems also rely on moving averages (MAs). These MAs are used to indicate a change in trend and smooth out volatility in the market. Simple moving averages (SMAs) […]

Yoda and Japanese word order

One thing I have rarely seen was a simple and direct explanation of Japanese grammar. Call it “zen attitude” if you want, but I like to keep things simple and minimal! Therefore, there are a couple of points that I want to address when discussing the Japanese language. I have found that one of the best ways to explain Japanese […]

Why do dogs walk in circles?

My master is lazy; he simply flops onto the bed without inspecting for scorpions, stones, or broken bottles. If you’re wondering why your dog is walking in circles, have you ever considered if the dog is also wondering why you don’t? Walking in circles before bedtime is believed to have something to do with the wild and primitive ancestry of […]

Hawaiian Clothing: Made in Hawaii vs. Imported

From the time the first Hawaiian shirts and dresses began to appear in Honolulu in the 1930s through the 1990s, most were made in Hawaii. But like other manufacturing industries in the US, Hawaiian clothing manufacturers face incredible price pressure from imported products. Today, it’s not surprising to find stores selling more imported Hawaiian clothing from China and Indonesia than […]

How to choose the best welsh corgi puppy from a litter

The Welsh corgi is an agile, robust, extremely loyal and obedient small sheepdog. A popular breed with dog show owners and best known for its trainability, it makes an excellent pet for children. He lives healthily from his puppy years to his mid-teens. There are two breeds of Welsh corgi, the Pembroke and the Cardigan. Mainly, the Cardigan corgi has […]