Seven Cures for a Slim Bag

1. Make your purse – or wallet – fat. That doesn’t mean filling it with receipts for every item you bought with your credit card. It means, fill your bag with money. And the best way to do that is to spend less than you earn. This cure stems from the first golden rule we looked at last week: Aim […]

Turn household trash into cash

Turning household trash into cash is not as difficult as you might think as there are now many ways to do it. While you may look around your house and see nothing but clutter and trash, what you may actually be looking at is cash. Remember, one person’s trash is another person’s joy and one person’s trash is another person’s […]

What is the real story of investing in apartment buildings?

Here’s the deal, these turnkey real estate investments have third-party management companies (some on-site) that take care of the day-to-day needs as you earn passive income. If you google passive real estate investments, you’ll see that your number one choice is multi-family apartment buildings are large complexes of units that can get commercial financing based on your finances. You can […]

The Two Most Important DIY Concrete Mix Recipes

Mixing concrete is a basic skill that every DIYer should know how to do. Concrete is one of the most common and inexpensive building materials on the planet and is made up primarily of sand, gravel, and cement. Mixing concrete is similar to baking in that to achieve consistent results, it’s best to follow a specific recipe. There are a […]

Three things to consider when translating into Arabic

When it comes to Arabic translation, there is a misconception that Arabic sentences are always longer than their English translation. This case of so-called text expansion does happen when it comes to Arabic translation, but it’s not always the case. The question now is: what should our standard metric really be when judging the quality of translation into Arabic, or […]

How to buy land the right way

The purchase of land can be seen as a means of investment that can generate an adequate return in the long term. But one must be very careful before spending a lot of money on any lucrative land that catches the eye. There have been many cases of fraud in the purchase of land and the buyer had to bear […]