
Give your pets a happy and safe Halloween

1. Don’t leave your pets outside on Halloween or the days before. This can be a very dangerous time for animals, especially black cats, when Halloween pranks against pets can be ruthless. Every year malicious people steal, torture, tease or even kill pets on Halloween. The ASPCA and other pet organizations advise that ALL cats should be kept indoors and NEVER kept your dog in a car.

2. Halloween treats are for people, not pets. Chocolate, for example, can be deadly to pets. Keep your pets away from candy wrappers, aluminum foil, cellophane candy wrappers, and lollipop sticks that can get stuck in their digestive tracts and cause injury or even death. There are many pet-safe treats available to keep on hand and many recipes for making homemade treats for dogs and cats. Teach everyone in your home, especially children, about the dangers of giving candy to pets and warn them not to leave candy wrappers on the floor. Take your child’s treats with you and keep them out of the reach of all pets in a closed cupboard or drawer. Throw away candy wrappers before your pets can reach them, and keep trash cans tightly closed. Some signs that may require immediate veterinary attention are: * excessive drooling * excessive urination * pupil dilation * vomiting and diarrhea * muscle tremors and seizures * hyperactivity * coma

3. Children love to dress up in costumes for Halloween, but for pets, costumes can be extremely uncomfortable, annoying, stressful, and even dangerous. If you dress up your pets, make sure the costume does not affect their ability to breathe, see, hear, smell, move, or bark. Masks are not a good idea for pets as they affect their ability to see. Animals depend on their sight to know what is happening and even the sweetest dog can become sarcastic if he does not know what is going on around him. Injuries caused by Halloween costumes can include: * Eye abrasions from sharp objects attached to masks or costumes * Burns from flammable costumes lit by open flames such as candles or Jack ‘O lanterns * Skin irritations or rashes from paints or decorative face creams

4. If you use candles on pumpkins, be sure to keep them out of the way of prying paws and noses. Burning pumpkin can tip over and start a fire and cause fatal burns to your pet.

5. You may want to consider keeping your pet in a separate room when trick-or-treating people ring the bell. Strangers can scare pets and even more so with strange costumes.

6. When opening the door, make sure your pet doesn’t run out of candy. You may want to consider keeping a pet gate in front of your door to block access in case your pet decides to pursue a trick or treat. You may want to place your pet in a cage and be sure to provide plenty of fresh water, chew toys, a favorite blanket, or a scented item of clothing to soothe your pet. Soft music can also calm your pet during this stressful time.

7. If you decide to let your dog greet visitors at the door, consider keeping him on a leash. A frightened dog may lunge, growl, or bite. It will also keep you safe from running away or being hit by a car.

8. Make sure you have the proper pet identification tags so that if your pet runs out, you have a better chance of getting it back. Now is a good time to look at your pet’s collar and update any previous information, such as phone number and address. Also, the information should be clear, so if your pet has old identification cards with the name, address, or phone number erased, now is a good time to replace it.

9. If your animal is very nervous, instead of tranquilizers from your vet. Bach Rescue Remedy works very well, it contains a special blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients known for their calming and calming effect. Bach Rescue Remedy is a natural remedy with no risk of side effects or addiction and can be used safely by animals of all ages and sizes. You can find it in most health food stores.

10. Remember, your pets cannot tell you what is wrong with them and what is bothering them. They may be more scared than you think from all the noise, activity, and strange people. Be understanding and treat them as you would any scared child. Always have your local Animal Emergency phone number available in case your pet gets into something they shouldn’t. For your pet … Give them a happy and safe Halloween!

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