Health Fitness

Health benefits of Urad Dal and Moong Dal

Dal is an important ingredient in every kitchen. Almost all houses stock different dals to prepare various dishes. Dals can make your food not only delicious but also healthy.

Urad dal is also known as white or black lentils. Urad dal is widely used in Indian cuisine and also around the world to prepare healthy food. The health benefits of urad dal are many, and it tastes just as delicious.

The flavors mix with the urad dal very easily and the final dish tastes delicious. It is healthier compared to other beans and therefore can be consumed on a daily basis. It is quite inexpensive and a tasty source of nutrients.

Urad dal is a rich source of iron. Hence, the consumption of this dal is highly recommended for women. The high iron content acts as an energy booster. The oxygen carrying capacity of the cells is also increased, which provides more oxygen to the muscles and thus keeps the person very active.

Helps replenish the body’s iron stores. It is an excellent source of protein. Urad dal works wonders for skin and hair. It is packed with various minerals that are essential for skin to appear smooth and supple.

The anti-aging property beautifies and leaves the skin flawless. The magnesium and folate content prevents damage to the artery walls and thus improves heart health. The high fiber content helps maintain digestive health.

Urad dal is also used to cure nervous disorder. After soaking it in water for 6 hours, we fry it with butter and take it with half a boiled egg. It can restore mental health and help overcome memory weakness.

Not many people may know this, but it also helps solve male sexual dysfunction by increasing potency and increasing semen strength.

You can include urad dal in your diet in the form of dosa, vada, etc. and make your food a healthy and tasty treat.

Moong dal is relatively easy to digest compared to Tur dal. It is an excellent source of protein and dietary fiber. These two components help control hunger. Therefore, the total calorie intake may be limited. It is nutritious and useful for reducing body fat in general, especially belly fat. It is also low in fat.

Moong dal is rich in potassium, calcium, and vitamin B complex. The fiber content helps maintain digestive health and prevents constipation. In addition, the fiber content helps control cholesterol levels. It is highly recommended to use Organic Moong Dal at least three times a week. Likewise, it is advisable to serve moong dal to the sick person at home, due to its nutritional profile and easily digestible nature.

Moong dal is a powerful beauty agent. It is used in a beauty regimen to make the skin glow and to treat various skin problems such as acne and dry skin. Moong dal flour is used as a face mask with milk and turmeric, to have a bright and flawless complexion. Tanning is also effectively removed with regular use of moong dal packs. It is an excellent exfoliating agent and can be used to remove dead skin cells.

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