
How to prevent and treat your Jack Russell dog’s dandruff

Your beloved Jack Russell terrier jumps into your lap. Then, when you start to pet him and scratch behind his ears like you always do, you look down and, horrors of horrors, his fur is full of white flakes that have spread all over your lap and chair as well. Dog dander is common, but luckily it can be easily treated.

Your terrier gets dandruff in exactly the same way as humans. The reason is that our skin is always in the process of replacing itself and the dead skin falls off in the form of flakes. However, the biggest difference between your terrier with visible dander and one you never notice is the size and frequency of the flakes.

To understand this better, consider the skin on your own legs or arms for a moment. Notice that when your skin is moist and well cared for, it looks smooth and feels soft. However, when it is dry, it starts to look whitish and sometimes looks a bit flaky. It also leaves white marks if you scratch it lightly.

Your Jack Russell’s fur is no different. When his terrier’s skin becomes too dry, he begins to flake in larger sizes. Therefore, it is easier to go outside and suddenly find that your Jack Russell terrier is snowing on your lap.

There are many ways to treat your dog’s dandruff, and conversely, anti-dandruff dog shampoo may not be the most effective way to treat your terrier’s dandruff. You may only want to use dog shampoo after exhausting the other options.

How to prevent your Jack Russell Terrier from having dandruff
1. The first thing to consider is the diet of your Jack Russell terrier. If it usually consists of dry dog ​​food and water, your terrier likely isn’t getting enough fat in his diet. Your Jack Russell terrier’s skin is flaky because it doesn’t produce enough natural moisturizer. If this is the case, you can try adding some canned dog food to his diet and see if the problem goes away. You can also try adding vitamin E oil to your diet as this can help.

2. There are dog supplements available on the market with essential dietary elements for your Jack Russell terrier’s diet regimen. These supplements typically consist of fatty acids that can help stop dog dander and keep your Jack Russell terrier’s coat vibrant and beautiful.

3. Reduce the number of baths for your Jack Russell terrier. I had a friend who once gave her Jack Russell baths so often that she stripped away the skin oils that kept her terrier’s skin moist. When I recommended that he reduce the frequency of baths, the dandruff problem disappeared. It all comes down to the amount of protective oil your Jack Russell terrier has on their skin.

How to treat dandruff in your Jack Russell terrier
1. Incorporate the dietary advice first. Many times, dandruff in your Jack Russell terrier is due to feeding problems.

2. Apply baby shampoo or an oatmeal wash. Since your Jack Russell terrier’s dandruff is triggered by the absence of the natural oils that are supposed to be in his fur, you want to make sure you don’t make the problem worse by using a nasty shampoo that can further strip away that precious fur. oils. If neither is effective, buy a dog shampoo that is made for sensitive skin or those with dandruff.

3. If you choose to use an anti-dandruff dog shampoo, pay close attention to the instructions. Most anti-dandruff dog shampoos have a recommendation on how often you should use them. Some need to be used just once a week, while other milder ones allow you to do it a little more often. Please note that while anti-dandruff dog shampoos contain medication to help cure and prevent dandruff, they should not be used too frequently as they can sometimes cause irritation to your dog.

4. Avoid trying your own shampoos to try to remedy dog ​​dandruff. While dander is similar, your dog’s coat and hair are quite different. Only use dog shampoos that are designed to keep his coat clean without excessive stripping or damaging the underlying skin.

If the dandruff still persists, you should go to the veterinarian or animal care specialist. The coat and skin health of your Jack Russell terrier generally gives you a good idea of ​​his overall health. A dandruff condition that does not go away after you have taken steps to treat it usually points to the possibility that your terrier may have serious health problems that need to be addressed and remedied by a professional veterinarian.

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