Health Fitness

Nutritional summary attributed to Titan Laboratories

It is now clear from hundreds of scientific studies and research around the world that nutritional supplements offer an incredibly effective, low-risk approach to curing disease and achieving wellness, without drugs or surgery!

As with any “hot” growth industry, the field of nutrition has unfortunately attracted unscrupulous individuals and organizations looking to make a quick buck. And what better way to make a quick buck than to promote new (and expensive) “wonder products” disguised as nutrition to escape government intervention.

Nutrition, however, is not about discovering a new substance and trying to figure out what nutritional use it can be put to. Rather, it is knowing the systems of the body and what type of nutrition each system requires, and then providing it.

In the “Nutrition Pyramid”, the basic requirements for most people are fairly constant. We all need multiple vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace minerals, and essential fatty acids on a daily basis. This group of essential nutrients forms the base of the nutritional pyramid.

Herbs and nutrients such as ginkgo biloba, kava kava, black cohosh, specific and glandular amino acids are not necessarily essential to our health (as far as we currently know), but they can improve and/or prevent chronic disease and improve performance and a sense of well-being. wellness. These form the middle level of the pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid are supplements for specific purposes, such as weight loss, virility, or muscle growth. These products comprise the upper section of the pyramid and can be valuable if the patient maintains their basic fundamental nutritional requirements. If the patient is deficient in this area, most likely due to poor diet and eating habits, you should ask her why she would want to try a new fad diet or supplement if her essential nutritional needs are not being met.

A deficiency in just one basic nutrient gone wrong will shut down the immune system and disrupt homeostasis no matter how many fad supplements the patient is consuming.

Low-level chronic health problems such as back fatigue, joint inflammation, connective tissue trauma, muscle spasm, obesity, sexual decline, fungal infections and other disorders are caused or exacerbated by nutritional deficiency.

This downward spiral in “life force” is insidious because it occurs gradually over an extended period of time. Many people live their entire lives in this compromised state.

It is also well established that the ingestion of specific nutrients can help speed up the healing process and provide higher than normal healing rates. Studies have also shown that patients recovering from major trauma, tissue damage and/or inflammation require 30 to 55 percent more calories from specific nutrition than normal.

Titan’s professional line of pharmaceutical grade supplements, the Factor Series, have been scientifically engineered to promote the ability of a specific body system to resist attack from environmental pathogens by providing the exact combination of essential and specific nutrients required by that system. to naturally fight disease.

Each product in the Factor series can prevent or improve conditions or conditions common to specific body systems. For example, Factor Six: Sommerserene addresses nervous system concerns, while Factor Ten: Femtrac focuses on the female glandular reproductive system, etc.

body systems

The classification of the main components of the body into systems is somewhat artificial, since each system is influenced by the others and their interactions are essential to sustain life. However, the nine basic body systems and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

1) The skeletal system: a structure of 206 bones, held in position by strong fibrous ligaments, that support the body and help maintain its characteristic shape.

2) The muscular system: a structure of 600 bundles of fibrous “engines” that use energy derived from food to perform mechanical work and produce heat. Muscles can perform one type of movement, only contraction. It is their arrangement and grouping in pairs that makes a wide variety of movements possible.

3) The cardiovascular system: a framework of arteries, veins, and capillaries connected to a “pump,” the heart muscle, which provides nutrients to the body while transporting waste through the bloodstream.

4) The Immune System – Composed of the lymphatic system, organs such as the thymus, spleen, tonsils and adenoids, white blood cells, specialized tissue cells and enzyme factors. The main function of this vast system is to protect the body against infection and cancer.

5) The Nervous System – Composed of the brain, spinal cord, and a nerve structure that controls and integrates all of the body’s activities in response to signals from inside and outside the body.

6) The Endocrine System – A network of glands – pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testicles or ovaries – that secrete hormones into the bloodstream to promote specific regulatory effects on body processes.

7) The gastrointestinal (digestive) system: Breaks down food into molecules capable of being absorbed by the body’s cells and removes indigestible substances from the body.

8) The respiratory system: made up of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, and a network of air sacs (alveoli) that carry oxygen to the body and remove carbon dioxide.

9) The Reproductive System – both in men and women, it is intimately linked to the endocrine system that secretes the hormones that differentiate the sexes and that determine fertility and sexuality. Although these hormones decline with advancing age in both sexes, the decline can stop or even reverse.

This is a very informative article and I felt it was worth a read for anyone interested in nutrition.

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