Why you shouldn’t exercise in sandals

The reason that many fitness centers require one to wear the proper gym clothing is not only to keep the gym looking professional, but also to protect clients from certain injuries they may sustain from the seemingly harmless exercises that perform. This is more particular in the use of sandals instead of wearing the appropriate footwear while doing any type […]

Property for sale in Dubai – Investing in real estate in the UAE

Dubai has become an international real estate hotspot, with major architectural developments and ambitious projects that seem to spring up overnight. With the market still young and demand exceeding supply, the time has come for foreigners to invest in this vibrant and captivating city. In March 2006, the Freehold Law was passed allowing foreigners to lease or have freehold ownership […]

Apple iPhone – Are the new smartphones compatible with various operating systems?

Apple’s new iPhone has become the new fad, but there are a lot of people scratching their heads as to how these smartphones work with other operating systems, power / battery replacement, etc. Here are some common iPhone related facts to help you determine if this is the phone for you. Microsoft Windows compatibility: The iPhone will work with Windows […]

A little-used secret of strength

Most of the trainers and strength trainers around the world use some strength strengthening exercises, the squat, the deadlift, the power clean for whole body power. These are great strength builders, but how effective are they really? And do they promise all the hype of actual strength building? I will tell you that there is a better way to develop […]

Everything you need to know about the WhatsApp messaging app

Instant messaging, often abbreviated simply as “IM” or “IMing,” is the exchange of text messages through a software application in real time. Instant messaging differs from ordinary email in the immediacy of the exchange of messages and also makes a continuous exchange simpler than sending an email back and forth. Most of the exchanges are text-only, although popular services such […]

4 Christmas Marketing Ideas for Car Dealers

The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are very important to annual sales in many industries, including car sales. Potential customers are buying in greater numbers than the rest of the year, giving car dealers a broader audience to market to. The holiday shopping crowds are also in “shopping mode,” ready to buy items not just for friends and family, but […]