Health Fitness

Why you shouldn’t exercise in sandals

The reason that many fitness centers require one to wear the proper gym clothing is not only to keep the gym looking professional, but also to protect clients from certain injuries they may sustain from the seemingly harmless exercises that perform. This is more particular in the use of sandals instead of wearing the appropriate footwear while doing any type of exercise, this not only applies within the gym but in any other place where exercises are performed, this includes your home. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t train in sandals.

The foot can be very vulnerable when it comes to exercises and workouts. The conditions that can occur to you just by not wearing shoes when subjecting yourself to an exercise, light or heavy, are very painful and can vary. The different variations of conditions can range from the soles of the feet, the ankles, the arch and the calves. These are some of the dreaded foot conditions that are the long-term effects of improper footwear during exercise.

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis or heel spur is inflammation of the plantar fascia, or the thick fibrous muscle that runs from the bones of the heel to the five toes. This is characterized by a sensation that feels like a spur is stuck in your heels. Another description is like imagining you were wearing a sock with many studs inside. See how that feels. This condition is common in athletes, particularly runners, people with professions that require them to jump, stand, or use their feet a lot.

One of the reasons cited for this condition among this group of people is footwear that has inadequate ankle and heel support while exercising or just going about your normal routine. Now imagine doing a routine with just a sandal on. Long-term misuse of footwear while exercising can at best cause plantar fasciitis, and at worst can seriously damage your ankles.

Medial gastrocnemius strain

Medial gastrocnemius strain is a calf muscle injury associated with overstretching of the muscle. This condition is mainly associated with professionals who abuse their legs, particularly athletes who run all the time. It is also mainly seen with footwear that has inadequate support, such as low-performance shoes.

Foot and ankle fractures.

Exercising may require you to run or walk a long time, it may also involve lifting heavy loads. The improper foot support that you can get from improper footwear, such as poor performance shoes and of course sandals, can lead to foot and ankle fractures, especially when you are doing training exercises.

There are things that simply cannot be done in a particular environment, and there are some types of footwear that cannot be worn when exercising. The effectiveness of your training will be nothing if injuries occur to you, especially those that can be avoided just by wearing the right footwear. Let the above conditions serve as a warning why you shouldn’t train in sandals.

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