Arts Entertainments

The big mistake all boys make in college

Let’s be honest. You know that as a boy in college, above all else, you want to “hang out” with as many girls as you want and have amazing times with your friends. Some guys are lucky enough to enjoy four years of lots of sex, parties, and umm … good grades … most guys don’t. The average kid in college has average college experience.

Most guys have less fun than they really deserve. And that’s really sad when you consider how much responsibility it will burden you. Do you know what I mean … the house, the car, the child? If you didn’t take the time to have fun in college, you blew it.

The sad reality is that while you were watching the other cool guys getting their lion’s share of the girls on campus, you just accepted your fate and had no idea what you were doing wrong.

Becoming the guy in college who has a total abundance of women and who has all the great friends he can handle is all about building a brand for yourself. The university is like a great tribe of people. Within the tribe, women want to be with the leaders of the tribe. If you want to be one of the 10% of guys who get 90% of the girls, then you want to build a brand that is consistent with that 10% of guys.

In college, people judge you based on your brand. Your brand is made up of you, your appearance, your friends, and what other people say about you. Most people did not realize that they have full control over all the variables that make up their brand.

Variable 1: you

You must be a “cool guy”. You have to eliminate any cowardly behavior and become a guy as his dominant, confident, funny and laid back. This can be done. It all comes down to your own dedication. If you really want to learn to embrace the qualities of an alpha male, there are many ways available today.

Variable 2: your appearance

While I don’t think appearance matters, I do believe the way you are groomed does. There are some guys who are so incredibly confident that they can dress like a garbage man and still meet hot chicks, this isn’t you, so don’t disqualify yourself from good girls for no good reason. Create your own style that shows that you understand fashion trends, but at the same time have your own unique style.

Variable 3: Your friends.

In college, people will judge you the most ruthlessly based on the type of friends you have. If all of your friends look like members of the cast of “Revenge of the Nerds,” I’m not saying ditch them, I’m saying broaden your horizons. Ultimately, you want to appear like you are part of the “in” crowd. This can be done. Make friends with cool kids. There are several ways to do this. First, you get high in a cool way. I have two friends who used to be geeky, one became a nightclub DJ and the other a club photographer. Overnight, they themselves became cool, because they got to associate with the hot girls who frequented the club. You can create the same effect by joining a high status fraternity, becoming a party promoter, hosting parties yourself.

Cool college kids have a lot of friends. They are well known to many people. Here’s the simple trick to making lots of friends in college: Most people have around 7 friends. However, if they consider you a nerd, those 7 friends are likely relatively antisocial. That is just a probability. Cool guys surround themselves with people called “social connectors.” Social connectors know a lot more people than the average person. They are very sociable and make a lot of friends. While the average person knows like 150 people at school, the social connector knows about 1000. If your 7 friends are all social connectors, overnight, you become known to a good 7000 people. Throwing a party becomes so much easier when you are so well known.

Variable 4: what other people say about you

What other people say about you is the most powerful thing you can use for your leverage. Most people are only aware of what is said about them when it is negative. Don’t wait until things are that bad. The best way to handle what other people say about you is to become the president of other people’s fun. When you go out of your way to make sure people are having fun, you can be sure that they will say good things about you.

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