Arts Entertainments

Zebra finches: fiesty birds with a happy attitude!


Zebra finches are classified as the smallest commercially available pet birds. Originating from the continent of Australia, they are also found in Indonesia, Central and North America. With their attractive plumage and ease of maintenance, they are highly prized as pets. They are relatively hardy birds that can be kept both indoors and in outdoor aviaries.

They have been a popular pet bird for over 100 years. They are an ideal choice for any bird enthusiast or anyone looking for a pet. Zebra finches can live up to 10 years with good nutrition and care.


Zebra finches come in various patterns and colors. They vary in color depending on their race. The male usually sports a gray body and wings, while its underside is whitish. The defect and legs are orange-red. He has cheek patches on his head and a teardrop-shaped mark under his eyes. There is a white chestnut brown dotted coloration under the wings. And finally, the male has a black and white striped breast which gives the species its common name.

The female has a gray body and wings along with a whitish underside. The bill is a lighter shade of orange than that of the male. The main difference in appearance between men and women is that the man shows the cheek patches while the woman does not. Both females and males have red eyes and their feet are a combination of orange and yellow.


Zebra finches are active birds, capable of entertaining themselves. They have soft, pleasant vocalizations consisting of chirps and peeks. They are flock birds and do best when several pairs are housed together. They are usually sold in pairs and should be kept as a pair for your emotional well-being.

Zebra finches are voracious, messy eaters, often throwing seeds everywhere. They are feisty little critters with a cheerful attitude. Zebra finches are crazy about tasseled canary toys!

Like all finches, zebra finches are wary of humans and do not enjoy being touched. These birds do not become tame with their fingers, although over time they come to enjoy interaction with their owners. However, some owners attest to the birds’ ability to learn to be comfortable with human contact. As social animals, they require the company of other compatible birds to stay emotionally healthy.

Cages and Aviaries

Zebra finches are relatively hardy birds that can be kept indoors or in outdoor aviaries. Experts advise owners to put their fins in the largest cage that is affordable. Zebra finches do well in a mixed aviary. However, they do not mix well with all finch species.


All finches are mostly seed eaters. Finch owners have assumed that their birds need sand similar to other species of birds. However, the fins do not require sand. Give your birds fresh water every day. Finches can die within 24 hours without water. Supplement your seed diet with vegetables and fruits, but don’t overdo it! Provide a calcium supplement, especially during mating season. Cooked egg shells are a good substitute for cuttlefish bone.


Zebra finches are usually quite healthy, but not as hardy as larger pet birds.

They are very susceptible to airborne toxins. In addition, they can catch cold from drafts. Therefore, they must be kept away from windows and doors to stay healthy. They will do well in temperatures down to around 40 F.


Zebra finches breed easily in captivity. Zebras breed in colonies and are socially monogamous, in many cases maintaining permanent pair bonds. The male helps in the construction of the nest, as well as in the tasks of incubation and feeding of the young. Zebra finches can lay a maximum of eight eggs, but usually have 2-5 eggs in their nests. Zebra finches will lay an egg every other day until their clutch is complete.

After laying eggs, it is the hen that will spend most of her time in the nest. The male will relieve her from time to time to eat and exercise. The eggs will begin to hatch between 12 and 18 days after being laid.

Ideally, zebra finches should be raised in pair cages. However, they will breed in birds. During the mating season, the birds require up to 16 hours of sunlight daily. If there is no window in the area where the cage is located, provide an artificial light source with a timer.


Zebra finches are possibly the most popular and commonly kept Australian finch species. Zebra finches are some of the easiest pet birds to keep and can make great companions for people who are concerned about noise and space. With good nutrition and care, these birds can live up to 10 years. They are considered one of my favorites of all the finch varieties.


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