Treatment of cervical cancer naturally

Cervical cancer. A cervical cancer is described as a cancer that forms in the tissue of the cervix. A cervix is ​​an organ that connects the uterus and vagina in the female reproductive system. Cervical cancer is a slow-growing cancer and may not show any early symptoms; however, it can be detected through a regular Pap test. This is a […]

A Sure Remedy for Fleas on a Kitten

Struggling to get rid of a flea infestation on a kitten in the home requires patience as with every flea found on the animal. These insects are blood-sucking pests that cause discomfort in the pathophysiological state of the cat, resulting in anemia in the later stage. The kitten’s health would be greatly compromised and would lead to anemia in the […]

From rhetoric to praxis: a call to global action to end injustice against African Americans

The death of George Floyd is a tragic event that shocked people aware of all racial and political divisions. This scar on the conscience of humanity can only be removed with the sound of a death sentence against injustice and discrimination against African Americans and all disadvantaged racial minorities throughout the world. The Black Lives Matter movement has made its […]

Diet and Dental Health

We all know that eating lots of sugary treats, candy, and sodas causes tooth decay. That’s a no-brainer. But this deeper dive into the details of diet and how it affects dental health and cavities will be as fascinating to you as it was to me. Most of us believe that once you have a cavity, that cavity cannot be […]

Manipulative words of the same meaning

Many words mean the same thing and can be used equally in context to clarify ideas and concepts in the standard writing process. However, some synonyms can be used euphemistically to manipulate a reader’s or listener’s reaction to the context of a statement. Take the word “lie”, for example. The dictionary definition of the word lies is “a false statement […]

How to love your landlord!

Finding a rental home can be a problem in some markets. If there are not many houses or duplexes available for rent or lease compared to the number of people who come to the area to live and work, you may find it difficult to find suitable housing. One possible solution is to find a competent property manager. Property managers […]

New data on multiple concussions in youth soccer

Concussions in youth soccer Concussions are a serious problem in soccer. According to the AMA, about 6% of college football players suffer concussions during a typical season. His latest study indicated that many players rush back into action while still experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, poor balance, cognitive decline and severe headaches. The study found that more than 90% of […]

Ground Cover Plants: The Benefits Of Growing Junipers As A Ground Cover, Landscaping Plants

There is a wide variety of forms of juniper cultivated as landscaping plants, ranging from tall and very low growing trees, shrubs, ground cover plants. They are all evergreen conifers, with needle-like foliage and fleshy berry-like fruits rather than the typical wooden cones of coniferous plants. With increasing water scarcity in hot, dry climates, many gardeners are looking for alternatives […]