Factors to Determine Before Choosing Sexual Harassment Lawyers

In the legal version, sexual harassment refers to any type of unwanted sexual advances verbally, physically or through various means, such as telephones, emails, SMS, or such behaviors in the workplace or in any other environment. which normally creates a frightening, hostile and offensive environment. work environment especially for the victim. Recent studies show that a whopping 52% of women […]

Florida’s Endangered Manatee

Belonging to the Sirenia order of mammals, manatees are the common name for a large, gray or black, air-breathing, aquatic mammal. Sometimes called a sea cow, the manatee looks a bit like a hippopotamus. Adult manatees have large bodies averaging ten feet in length and weigh between 440 and 1,300 pounds. Manatees have a small head with a straight snout […]

SEO versus Google AdWords – Online Marketing

You just designed your amazing new website. Now what? How do you get your target audience to explore your new business home online? The answer? Online marketing. Online marketing, also known as Internet marketing, is the art of using various techniques and methods to advertise and sell products or services over the Internet. These techniques and methods can be categorized […]

Disastrous outsourcing mistakes to avoid

We are in the era of outsourcing. It’s rare to find a business that does everything in-house with full-time employees. Everyone outsources to some degree, no matter what you call it, including outsourcing, freelancing, and virtual assistants. All outsourcing mistakes happen just like any other business mistake. They happen when companies try something new or when their staff don’t have […]