Lifestyle Fashion

Anal Candidiasis Cures

Both men and women are at risk of getting an anal yeast infection. Yeast infections thrive in parts of the body that are moist and dark. The most commonly affected areas are the vagina, mouth, skin folds such as under the breasts, or the groin area of ​​babies. The anus and between the buttocks are actually quite a common place for yeast to occur. It is difficult to get rid of the yeast in this area as it is difficult to keep it dry. There are many cures for anal yeast infection, but to be successful you must treat the cause and not just the symptoms; otherwise, the infection will come back again and again. Anyone who has suffered from anal yeast infection knows how unbearable the itch can be.

How is an anal candidiasis produced?

The gastrointestinal tract is a breeding ground for yeast organisms. Given the right conditions, these organisms will multiply and thrive.

Anal yeast infections can be transferred through anal intercourse if protection is not used.

Condoms are recommended, but lubricants and spermicidal lubricants can sometimes cause a yeast infection if they contain any sugar- or flavoring-based products. Choose a product without this.

Tight or wet clothing can trap moisture in the anal area, providing the right breeding ground for infections to take hold.

Being pregnant can increase your chances of getting an anal yeast infection due to hormonal changes.

Diabetics and overweight people are also more at risk.

What are the symptoms of an anal candidiasis?

Anal itching is the first symptom you will notice. There are a number of things that can cause anal itching that may not be a yeast infection, so it’s important to rule them out. Those conditions are hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and parasitic infections like roundworms. If you have an anal yeast infection, you will also have redness and purple spots from small blisters. The skin around the anus may also feel a bit rough and dry, scaly, and may peel. Sometimes there may be a burning pain with bowel movements. Not everyone will have all the symptoms.

cure anal candidiasis

The best way to cure an anal yeast infection is to kill the fungus that is causing the yeast infection. There are a few ways to do this, but the most effective is through diet. Starving yeast of the food it uses to survive is an important part of yeast eradication.

There are three ways to treat an infection, prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and home remedies/diet.

Prescription medications include antifungal creams and antibiotics. A long course of oral medications is prescribed that lasts for weeks. This is to kill the yeast that lives in your GI tract. These drugs can be effective in the short term, but since antibiotics kill all the good bacteria that are responsible for keeping yeast at bay, the infection will ultimately come back. It’s an imbalance in your system that allows yeast to thrive in the first place. These drugs are also very strong and can cause liver damage.

Over-the-counter medications include antifungal creams and suppositories. Creams don’t seem to be very effective as they provide moisture at the same time which helps the yeast to survive. Some people may find these creams effective, but if your infection is recurring, probably not.

Home remedies are easy, inexpensive, and often more effective. Not all home remedies work for everyone, so it’s important to experiment with a few different things to find what works for you. Some things to try are:-

Keep the anal area as dry as possible. Things like changing out of wet clothes and sweaty gym gear right away. Always pat the area dry, never rub as this will only aggravate the area. Use a hair dryer on low heat to dry the area after you shower.

Diet is definitely the best cure. Sugar allows yeast to thrive, so eliminate sugar entirely if possible. You have to starve the yeast. Things like candy, cookies, cakes, soda, anything sugary should be left out. It is also recommended to reduce alcohol due to its high sugar content. Avoid packaged or processed foods. Going back to a natural diet of fresh foods definitely puts an end to yeast.

Include antifungal foods in your diet. These include apple cider vinegar which can be taken internally as a salad dressing or mixed with juice and water. This can be a little strong to take, but it’s great for a wide range of foods. Coconut oil, clove oil, garlic, ginger, and oregano have antifungal properties.

Add a plain acidophilus yogurt to your diet as well. You can take it in the form of capsules or add a good probiotic to your diet. This replenishes any good bacteria in your digestive tract.

Apple cider vinegar can also be applied directly to the anus, but it must be diluted first. This will sting but only momentarily, the relief it provides afterward will be worth it. If the area is too raw for vinegar, try coconut oil. It can be very soothing and will help with itching.

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